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편측성대마비에 대한 제1형 갑상성형술과 피열연골내전술의 동시수술 효과

Other Titles
 Effects of Arytenoid Adduction and Type I Thyroplasty Combined Surgery for Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis 
 최홍식  ;  김광문  ;  조정일  ;  김세헌  ;  김홍윤 
 Korean Journal of Otolaryngology (대한이비인후과학회지), Vol.40(4) : 505-512, 1997 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Otolaryngology(대한이비인후과학회지)
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Type I thyroplasty, we know, could not overcome the large posterior glottal chink and arytenoid adduction have been proved to be uneffective in the cases of unilateral vocal cord paralysis with vocal cord atrophy or bowing deformity. So we performed type I thyroplasty in conjunction with arytenoid adduction and tried to compare the postoperative results with that of arytenoid adduction. We experienced 8 cases of arytenoid adductions and 6 cases of combined operations in the cases of unilateral vocal cord paralysis. All 14 patients had large posterior glottal chink. In order to compare the postoperative voice results of two groups as objective as possible, we performed preoperative and postoperative videoimage analysis(chink size, interarytenoid distance) and computer-assisted voice analysis(MPT, Jitter, Shimmer, S/N ratio). As a results, the postoperative voice outcome is superior with the combined operation than with the arytenoid adduction only in the cases of unilateral vocal cord paralysis with large glottal chink.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology (이비인후과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Se Heon(김세헌)
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