1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2021Age at Diagnosis and the Risk of Diabetic Nephropathy in Young Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus DIABETES & METABOLISM JOURNAL
2020인공지능 의료와 법제Korean Journal of Medicine and Law(한국의료법학회지)
2022Determinants of Legislation on Social Health Insurance in Transition CountriesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SERVICES
1996한국표준의료행위 분류체계 개발 Korean Journal of Preventive Medicine(예방의학회지)
2021COVID-19 Pandemic, Transparency, and "Polidemic" in the Republic of Korea ASIAN BIOETHICS REVIEW
2020예비 약사를 위한 환자안전 교육과정 도입방안 약학회지
2020Establishing the International Genetic Discrimination ObservatoryNATURE GENETICS
2020Forgoing life-sustaining treatment - a comparative analysis of regulations in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and England BMC MEDICAL ETHICS
2020COVID-19 대유행과 그 대응: 분배정의론이 해결할 과제들Bio, Ethics and Policy (생명, 윤리와 정책)
2020멜랑콜리 개념의 기원과 분화를 통해 본 몸과 마음의 관계 Philosophy of Medicine (의철학연구)
2020Sixty Years of History of Yonsei Medical Journal YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2020Surgical Strategies for Cervical Deformities Associated With Neuromuscular Disorders NEUROSPINE
2020조선초기 의료진흥정책의 전개: 통유론(通儒論)과 직분론(職分論)의 대립과 절충 Yonsei Journal of Medical History (연세의사학)
2020Medicolegal Consideration to Prevent Medical Malpractice Regarding Opioid Administration: An Analysis of Judicial Opinion in South Korea JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH
2006助産士의 制度化와 近代的 生育管理 -1930年代 北平市政府의 衛生行政과 出生統制- 중국사연구
2007國家 衛生醫療體制와 國家醫療의 形成 : 19세기말 20세기초 한국과 중국의 경험 Journal of Korean Studies (동방학지)
2007環境과 衛生 ― 淸末民國期 北京의 都市環境과 衛生改革 ―Journal of Asian Historical Studies (동양사학연구)
2007衛生의 槪念史: 淸末民國期 中西醫의 衛生論 Journal of Korean Studies (동방학지)
2007대한의원의 설립배경과 성격Yonsei Journal of Medical History (연세의사학)

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