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Showing results 61 to 80 of 83

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2019Clinical predictors of radiation-induced lymphopenia in patients receiving chemoradiation for glioblastoma: clinical usefulness of intensity-modulated radiotherapy in the immuno-oncology era RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2019Exhaled breath temperature as a tool for monitoring asthma control after an attack in childrenPEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY
2018Risk factors of colistin safety according to administration routes: Intravenous and aerosolized colistin PLOS ONE
2018폐 전이 암에 대한 Lipid Coated Polymeric Nanoparticles에 관한 연구 Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research (의공학회지)
2018Gemcitabine-Incorporated G-Quadruplex Aptamer for Targeted Drug Delivery into Pancreas Cancer MOLECULAR THERAPY-NUCLEIC ACIDS
2018타우 PET영상을 위한 18F-THK5351의 표지방법 개발 Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (핵의학기술)
2018Automated cGMP‐compliant radiosynthesis of [18F]‐(E)‐PSS232 for brain PET imaging of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS
2018[11C]아세트산의 방사화학적 수율 증가를 위한 연구 Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology (핵의학기술)
2017Effects of Korean hand acupressure on opioid-related nausea and vomiting, and pain after caesarean delivery using spinal anaesthesiaCOMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE
2017Pharmacokinetic interactions between glimepiride and rosuvastatin in healthy Korean subjects: does the SLCO1B1 or CYP2C9 genetic polymorphism affect these drug interactions? Observations and introspection of the bioanalysis DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY
2017[18F]Aryl fluorides from hypervalent iodine compounds Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes (대한방사성의약품학회지)
2017Common bile duct stones associated with pancreatobiliary reflux and disproportionate bile duct dilatation MEDICINE
2017An optimized radiosynthesis of 18F-THK-5351 for routine production on TRACERlab™ FXFN Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes (대한방사성의약품학회지)
2016Biological Safety Evaluation of Polyketones as BiomaterialsPOLYMER-KOREA
2016Incidence and impact of scheduled endoscopic surveillance on recurrence after curative endoscopic resection for early gastric cancerGASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY
2016Hybridization-based aptamer labeling using complementary oligonucleotide platform for PET and optical imagingBIOMATERIALS
2014Esophageal involvement of pemphigus vulgaris associated with upper gastrointestinal bleeding CLINICAL ENDOSCOPY
2014Effect of Ketoconazole on Lobeglitazone Pharmacokinetics in Korean VolunteersCLINICAL THERAPEUTICS
2013Biological Advantages of Porous Hydroxyapatite Scaffold Made by Solid Freeform Fabrication for Bone Tissue RegenerationARTIFICIAL ORGANS
2012Factors affecting colonoscope insertion time in patients with or without a colostomy after left-sided colorectal resectionDIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES

