Browsing "1. Journal Papers" by Identifier : 0021-9150

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2020Dose-response Relationship Between Gamma-Glutamyltransferase and the Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases in Korean AdultsATHEROSCLEROSIS
2018Familial hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular mortality among Korean adults with low levels of serum cholesterolATHEROSCLEROSIS
2008Family history of diabetes and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in Korean men and womenATHEROSCLEROSIS
2009Insulin resistance and carotid atherosclerosis in patients with type 2 diabetesATHEROSCLEROSIS
2001Plasma fibronectin levels in ischemic heart diseaseATHEROSCLEROSIS
2010Relationship between HDL3 subclasses and waist circumferences on the prevalence of metabolic syndrome: KMSRI-Seoul StudyATHEROSCLEROSIS
2007Smoking and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in women with lower levels of serum cholesterolATHEROSCLEROSIS
2008Stroke risk prediction model: A risk profile from the Korean studyATHEROSCLEROSIS
2015The ACC/AHA 2013 pooled cohort equations compared to a Korean Risk Prediction Model for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseATHEROSCLEROSIS
2000The Methylentetrahydrofolate reductase gene is associated with increased cardiovascular risk in Japan, but not in other population.Atherosclerosis
2009Tooth loss, hypertension and risk for stroke in a Korean populationATHEROSCLEROSIS

