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2005 | Tandem mass spectrometry를 이용한 갈락토오스혈증의 선별검사
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2018 | Targeted gene panel and genotype-phenotype correlation in children with developmental and epileptic encephalopathy
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2017 | Targeting casein kinase 2 (CK2) to overcome cisplatin resistance through combination treatment with a CK2 inhibitor, CX-4945, in gastric cancer
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2005 | Tautomycetin이 혈관 평활근세포와 사구체 혈관간세포의 증식과 세포외기질 단백 생산에 미치는 영향
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1998 | Taxol의 효소면역측정 및 방사면역측정 확립에 관한 연구 | Thesis |
1982 | Tc-99m-MDP(medronate)를 이용한 골질환의 조기진단에 관한 임상적 연구 | Thesis |
2007 | TcpO2를 이용한 당뇨병성 신경병증 조기진단
| Thesis |
2009 | Td92, an outer membrane protein of Treponema denticola, induces osteoclastogenesis via PGE2 mediatede RANKL/OPG regulation
| Thesis |
2009 | Teager energy operator 기반 순간 주파수 인코딩을 이용하여 개선된 인공와우의 어음처리기
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2014 | Technology development for microfluidic multifunctional probe array dielectrophoretic force spectroscopy with wide loading rate
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2005 | Telomere shortening in rat hepatic stem-like epithelial cells and subcellular localization of rat PinX1
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1990 | Tetrahymena pyriformis에 의한 마우스 복강내 대식세포의 활성화 | Thesis |
2022 | TGF-β1와 GRP78 발현 억제 조절이 sorafenib 저항성을 가지는 간세포암종의 저항성 극복에 미치는 영향
| Thesis |
2012 | TGF-β1의 발현을 억제하는 종양살상 아데노바이러스의 항 종양 효과 | Thesis |
2008 | Th17-associated cytokine profile in cutaneous lesion of Behc*et's disease
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2006 | The accuracy of transcranial doppler for predicting cerebral infarction in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
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2018 | The added prognostic value of radiological phenotype combined with clinical features and isocitrate dehydrogenase mutation status in anaplastic gliomas
| Thesis |
2007 | The additional effect of cilostazol for the ADP-induced platelet aggregation and soluble CD40L in patients with primary percutaneous coronary intervention
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2007 | The anti-inflammatory effects of ulinastatin in traumatic patients with a hemorrhagic shock
| Thesis |