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Showing results 1080 to 1099 of 4339

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2011S100A8/A9, a DAMP molecule activated by IL-17 and house dust mite is upregulated in atopic dermatitisThesis
1981SAF 고정변에서 Giarder lamblia 의 cyst검출을 위한 검사방법의 평가Thesis
1972Salmonellosis에 대한 외과적 고찰Thesis
2021Sample size calculation for single-arm non-inferiority trials of time-to-event data Thesis
2023SARS-CoV-2 infection induces HMGB1 secretion through post-translational modification and PANoptosisThesis
2018Selective use of prophylactic drainage after gastrectomy Thesis
2005Sensitization of cancer cells to TRAIL by inhibiting protein kinase CK2 Thesis
1994Sephadex bead column과 swim-up 방법에 의한 운동성 정자의 분리Thesis
2009Sequence variation and IgE-binding epitope of Bla g 5, the German cockroach major allergen Thesis
2007Sequence variation and IgE-binding reactivity of peptide fragments of Bla g4, a major German cockroach allergen Thesis
2005SERCA2+/- 생쥐의 이하선세포에서 칼슘신호전달의 적응과 칼슘에 의존적인 Amylase 분비의 변화 Thesis
2013Serial optical coherence tomography-based observation of strut coverage on drug-eluting stent crossing side-branch vessels Thesis
2003Seroma를 줄이기 위한 Fibrin의 사용에 대한 연구 Thesis
2006Serum adiponectin and gastric precancerous lesions Thesis
2013Serum carcinoembryonic antigen is associated with arterial stiffness in Korean adults Thesis
2004Serum levels of advanced glycation endproducts are associated with the development of acute coronary syndrome in diabetic patientsThesis
2005SERVQUAL을 이용한 군 의료기관의 환자만족도 연구 Thesis
2002Setting priorities of health problems and providing appropriate interventions in Kathmandu district, Nepal Thesis
2003Sevoflurane 흡입마취유도시 신속한 기관내 삽관을 위한 rocuronium의 적정 용량 Thesis
2005SF-36을 이용한 혈액투석환자와 복막투석환자의 삶의 질 비교 Thesis

