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Showing results 900 to 919 of 4339

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2005PACS CD DICOM 데이터 검증 툴킷 개발 Thesis
2003Pain relieving effects of the acupuncture and electroacupuncture on the arthritic model of the rat Thesis
2018Pain-relieving effects of the mTOR inhibitor in the anterior cingulate cortex of neuropathic rats Thesis
2022Parent-offspring association of cardiovascular health metrics: Findings from the 2014-2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Thesis
2013Parkin induces G2/M cell cycle arrest in TNF-α-treated HeLa cells Thesis
2002Parkin 단백에 의한 α-Synuclein의 신경 독성 억제 기전 Thesis
2017Parkinson’s disease-related non-motor symptoms and risk of post-operative delirium after spinal surgery Thesis
2012Pathomechanics in lumbopelvic movement in professional golfers with limited hip internal rotation Thesis
2022Patient-derived organoid model for prediction of cancer-risk in patient with germline mutation of mismatch repair genes Thesis
2011Pax3 lineage contribution to the mammalian inner and middle ear Thesis
2000PC12 세포에서 PDTC에 의한 세포사멸 유도시 NF-kB와 MAPK의 활성 변동Thesis
2011PC12 세포에서 리도카인에 의한 소포체스트레스 유도Thesis
2004PCG 주변잡음의 실시간 적응 잡음 제거에 관한 연구 Thesis
2004PCR-RFLP를 이용한 Mycobacterium 감염의 진단 및 균종 감별 Thesis
2013Pennation angles and fiber length of ankle dorsiflexor and plantarflexor muscles depending on muscle contraction intensityThesis
2015Perception of 3-dimensional dynamic images after successful surgery for exotropia Thesis
2005Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy for migrated disc herniations on a new radiological classification Thesis
2021Peri-anchor cyst formation after arthroscopic Bankart repair: Comparison between biocomposite suture anchor and all-suture anchor Thesis
2014Periarticular injection with corticosteroid has an additional pain management effect in total knee arthroplasty Thesis
2016Periostin-binding DNA aptamer treatment attenuates renal fibrosis under diabetic conditions Thesis

