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Showing results 395 to 414 of 4339

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2005E1 유전자 변이체 아데노바이러스를 이용한 Herpes Simplex Virus Thymidine Kinase 유전자의 도입과 발현이 인체 암세포주의 Ganciclovir 감수성에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2003Early development of mammary gland is associated with FGF8 signaling in mice Thesis
2013Early healing processes in guided bone regeneration using cross-linked type-I collagen membrane at rabbit calvarial defect Thesis
2018Early propagation of Catalase-proficient Proteus vulgaris is associated with robust increase in Escherichia coli population in DSS-treated mouse Colitis model Thesis
2015Early treatment volume reduction rate as a prognostic factor in patients treated with chemoradiotherapy for limited stage small cell lung cancer Thesis
2006Effect of a new drug Ra-12a and non-invasive quantification of tumor vessel with dynamic MR imaging in murine model Thesis
2007Effect of agmatine in Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) activation after traumatic brain injury Thesis
2012Effect of an oral appliance on lower facial contouring after botulinum toxin type A injection, assessed using three-dimensional laser scanning Thesis
2021Effect of anchor-guiding sleeve length on accuracy of computer-guided implant surgery: a model study Thesis
2023Effect of aurora kinase inhibitor binding mode on c-myc protein stability Thesis
2007Effect of carbon nanotubes impregnated with neural progenitor cells on recovery from ischemic injury Thesis
2017Effect of CD20 Ca2+ channel activity on the efficacy of rituximab and obinutuzumab Thesis
2012Effect of cilostazol on hepatic low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1) expression in vitro and in vivo modelThesis
2014Effect of cilostazol oncarotid intima media thickness in type 2 diabetic patients without cardiovascular event Thesis
2017Effect of combined aerobic and resistance exercise on metabolic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus Thesis
2017Effect of dabigatran on the volume of intracerebral hemorrhage in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke of rats Thesis
2021Effect of Dentin Bonding Agent Acidity on Surface Microhardness of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Thesis
2003Effect of HPV16 E7 proteins on the cell cycle and growth of glioblastoma cell line under the hypoxic condition Thesis
2008Effect of insulin-like growth factor-1 on gamma H2AX induced by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II in NSCLC Thesis
2012Effect of interstitial 1444 nm pulsed neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser on the nasolabial folds and cheek laxityThesis

