1986 | Dantrolene sodium이 guinea pig의 심방 및 심실근 수축력과 staircase현상에 미치는 영향 | Thesis |
1985 | Dantrolene sodium이 간 조직내 sulfhydryl group과 glutathione에 미치는 영향 | Thesis |
1982 | DDS 약물로 인한 메트헤모글로빈 혈증에 관한 임상적 연구 | Thesis |
2013 | Decorin과 shHSP27을 발현하는 아데노바이러스의 항 종양 효과
| Thesis |
2021 | Delay in Vaccine Access in Asia-Pacific countries
| Thesis |
2012 | Delta neutrophil index as a predictive marker of early mortality in gram negative bacteremia
| Thesis |
2007 | Dendritic cells as targets of corticotropin-releasing hormone
| Thesis |
1976 | Dermatophyte Test Medium (D.T.M.)의 임상적 이용에 관한 연구 | Thesis |
2007 | Design and adaptation of electrohydrodynamic lens for stabilizing of electrohydrodynamic printing using silver nanocolloid jet
| Thesis |
1979 | Desipramine이 가토 혈중 주정농도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구 | Thesis |
2022 | Detecting facial paralysis in patients with Bell’s palsy by comparing bilateral measurements of facial temperature
| Thesis |
2006 | Detection of anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies in autoimmune thyroid disease
| Thesis |
2021 | Development and application of a package implementing TreeScan software in R
| Thesis |
2022 | Development and Application of Cell-based Assay for LRP4 Antibody Associated with Myasthenia Gravis
| Thesis |
2003 | Development of a novel DNA-binding domain derived from Escherichia coli lac repressor and its application to artificial eukaryotic transcription factors
| Thesis |
2022 | Development of a nutritional index to evaluate the effectiveness of total parenteral nutrition during the early postoperative period after pancreaticoduodenectomy
| Thesis |
2017 | Development of a one-step multiplex PCR assay for differential detection of major Mycobacterium species
| Thesis |
2017 | Development of Dermatophagoides farinae-loaded microneedle patches for allergen specific immunotherapy in allergic diseases
| Thesis |
2023 | Development of gemcitabine-based therapeutics to regulate pancreatic cancer
| Thesis |
2006 | Development of in vivo high throughput protein-protein interaction assay system using FRET technology
| Thesis |