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Showing results 166 to 185 of 4339

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
1993B 림프구에서 모발상세포(hairy cell)로의 형질전환에 Coxiella bumetii와 Epstein-Barr 바이러스의 역할Thesis
1998Bacteroides fragilis군 세균의 cefepime 등 항균제에 대한 감수성Thesis
2020Baicalin attenuates fibrogenic process in human renal proximal tubular cells (HK-2) exposed to diabetic milieu Thesis
1992Bayley 발달검사를 이용한 고위험 저출생체중아의 발달평가Thesis
1993Bayley 발달검사를 이용한 유아의 발달평가Thesis
2017BCG intravesical therapy modulates immune response against bladder cancer by suppressing PD-L1 expressionThesis
2021Behavioral changes in carbon monoxide-intoxicated rats Thesis
2019Behavioral flexibility regulated by metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 Thesis
1991Behcet 증후군 환자에서 항 인지질 항체인 항 Cardiolipin 항체 및 루푸스성 항 응고인자 측정에 관한 연구Thesis
2011Beneficial immune-stimulatory effect of chlorella supplementation : the enhancement of natural killer cell activity and early inflammatory response Thesis
2012Berberine suppresses interleukin-1β-induced MUC5AC gene expression in human airway epithelial cells Thesis
1992Beta-blocker와 acetazolamide가 방수내의 ascorbic acid의 농도에 미치는 영향Thesis
2010Bio electrical impedance analysis system for visceral fat measurement Thesis
2009Biodistribution and immuno-PET imaging analysis of 68Ga-NOTA-Cetuximab Fab in an EGFR over-expressing cancer xenograft model Thesis
2014Bioengineering of vascular grafts using multilayer of PLCL nano-fibers with endothelial cells and fibroblast cells Thesis
2013Bioreducible crosslinked polyelectrolyte complexes for MMP-2 siRNA delivery into human vascular smooth muscle cells Thesis
2004Bluetooth 기반의 노인 가정 감시 지능 시스템의 개발 Thesis
2002BMP-2에 대한 인간 추간판 세포의 기질 생성 반응 Thesis
2009Bone cell response to mechanical loading in a 3D trabecular bone scaffold : comparison of fluid shear stress and cyclic compressive strain Thesis
2021Bone mineral density prediction from spine lateral X-ray images Thesis

