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Showing results 801 to 820 of 4339

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2005Metabolic Syndrome(대사증후군)의 주요 유형과 SNP와의 관련성 연구 Thesis
2008Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5)에 의한 tubby 단백 조절 연구 Thesis
2004Metallo-β-lactamase 생성 그람음성 간균의 carbapenem 내성 불안정성 Thesis
1985Methacholine유도 기관지 수축에 있어 Cromolyn Sodium(DSCG)효과에 관한 연구Thesis
1987Methicillin 내성 포도상구균의 분리율과 그 정확한 검출을 위한 감수성 검사방법Thesis
1990Metocurine iodide의 근육이완 효과와 심혈관계에 미치는 영향Thesis
2012MGMT Gene Promoter Methylation as a Potent Prognostic Factor in Glioblastoma Treated with Temozolomide-Based Chemoradiotherapy: A Single-Institution Study Thesis
2007Mice의 하지무부하가 심혈관계 기능에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2023Micro-pattern to discriminate differentiated cell depending on migratory behavior through electrotaxis analysis Thesis
2005Microarray 실험에서 Time course data에 관한 결측치 추정방법들에 대한 비교 Thesis
2010MicroRNA expression profile of gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) Thesis
2015MicroRNA-128 prevents apoptosis of mesenchymal stem cells by targeting Apaf-1 Thesis
2003Microwave detection of sentinel lymph node metastasis in breast cancer Thesis
2013Midterm observation of reverse reshaping in the heart after transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect and comparison between different age groups Thesis
2020Minimum 5-year follow-up after arthroscopic repair of large to massive rotator cuff tears : complete repair with aggressive release versus partial repair alone Thesis
2004Minocycline이 표피 각질형성세포의 증식과 고사에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2014miR-106b modulates cancer stem cell characteristics through TGF-β/Smad signaling pathway in CD44 positive gastric cancer cells Thesis
2011miR-449a is a critical factor regulating chondrogenesis of MSC via directly targeting LEF-1Thesis
2016Mitochondrial Sirt3 supports cell proliferation by regulating glutamine-dependent oxidation in renal cell carcinoma Thesis
2021Mitofusin-2 facilitates EMT-induced cervical cancer development Thesis

