2018 | Induction of oligodendrogenesis with OCT4 to alleviate dysmyelination in a transgenic mouse model of Huntington's disease
| Thesis |
2011 | Influence of serum resistin on acute cerebral infarction
| Thesis |
1981 | Infrared spectrophotometer에 의한 한국인 담석 72예 분석 | Thesis |
1982 | Infrared spectrophotometry을 이용한 담석 분석 | Thesis |
2019 | Inhibition of autophagy suppresses liver tumorigenesis
| Thesis |
2004 | Inhibition of dendritic cell maturation by sera from patients with pancreatic cancer
| Thesis |
2013 | Inhibition of dental caries around composite resin containing ursolic acid
| Thesis |
2018 | Inhibition of fatty acid amide hydrolase in the insular cortex produces analgesic effects in neuropathic rats
| Thesis |
2009 | Inhibition of intimal hyperplasia by caffeic acid-impregnated bio-degradable PLGA | Thesis |
2006 | Inhibition of β-amyloid peptide-induced neurotoxicity by benzothiazoles in neuronal cells
| Thesis |
2004 | Inhibitory Effect of Co-expression of TRAIL, DR5, and IL-12 Genes on EMT6 Tumor Progression
| Thesis |
2021 | Initial topical monotherapy may increase the risk of recurrence in patients with Extramammary Paget's disease
| Thesis |
2007 | Injectable bone substitute composed of biodegradable polymer/hydroxyapatite composite microspheres containing antibiotics
| Thesis |
1972 | Insulin 투여가 백서의 운동능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 | Thesis |
2012 | Intake Fraction을 이용한 차량 배출 대기오염물질에 대한 인구집단 노출평가 : 서울시 일부지역을 중심으로 | Thesis |
2002 | Intellectual property rights and patentability in medicine
| Thesis |
2003 | Intergenic rDNA spacer를 이용한 Giardia lamblia isolates의 검출 및 비교 | Thesis |
2006 | Interleukin 1-beta up-regulates Na+-K+-Cl- cotransporter in human middle ear epithelial cells
| Thesis |
2010 | Interleukin-12, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor 및 Herpes simplex virus-thymidine kinase를 발현하는 종양세포 살상 아데노바이러스와 전약제인 Ganciclovir의 병합치료에 의한 항 종양 효과
| Thesis |
2012 | Interleukin-12와 Decorin 동시 발현 종양세포 살상 아데노바이러스가 Regulatory T 세포의 면역억제 기능에 미치는 영향
| Thesis |