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Showing results 1381 to 1400 of 4339

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2014Verification of differentially expressed miRNA in parathyroid tumors of sporadic and hereditary forms Thesis
2004VIP 수용체 VPAC1과 S-SCAM의 상호 작용 Thesis
2019Viperin upregulates PD-L1 through PI3K/AKT/mTOR/HIF-1α signaling pathway in Gastric Cancer Cells Thesis
2017Viperin과 human cytomegalovirus 단백질 vMIA의 상호작용 domain의 동정 Thesis
2020Visceral adiposity is associated with altered myocardial glucose uptake measured by 18FDG-PET in 346 subjects with normal lucose tolerance, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes Thesis
2023Visual phenotyping analysis of Korean wild mouse KWM/Hym Thesis
2021Visual phenotyping analysis of Pcdh18 knockout mice and identification of an association with eye disease Thesis
2004Visualization and localization of three-dimensional fusion image using VRML : application of epilepsy and stroke casesThesis
1976Vitamin A Acid 국소도포에 의한 좌창치료의 임상적 고찰Thesis
1976Vitamin A acid 유도체 국소도포에 의한 좌창치료의 임상적 고찰Thesis
1979Vitamin A acid(VAA)와 그 유도체(VAAD)의 국소교차도포에 의한 좌창치료의 임상적 고찰Thesis
1996Vitamin E 투여가 Paraquat에 의한 급성 폐 손상에서 폐포내 세포조성 변화에 미치는 영향Thesis
2003VSV-G epitope이 삽입된 증식가능 아데노바이러스를 이용한 유전자 전달 및 세포 살상 효율 분석 Thesis
1970Walker Carcinosarcoma 256의 골이식에 관한 실험적 연구Thesis
2007WBSN (Wireless Body area Sensor Network) 기반의 휴대용 생체 신호 모니터링 시스템 설계 Thesis
1991Weaver 및 Dunn 술식으로 치료한 견봉쇄골 관절탈구Thesis
2005White Blood Cell Count and the risk of colon cancer Thesis
2014Who gives birth at health facility in Ethiopia? : result from Ethiopian demographic and health survey 2011 Thesis
2020Whole body bone scan for detecting missed bone injuries in multiple trauma patients Thesis
2013Wild-type KIT overexpression in colon cancer : protein kinase C-δ-mediated recycling of KIT Thesis

