2. Thesis

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2021Diagnosis of thyroid micronodule on ultrasound using deep convolutional neural network Thesis
2021Peri-anchor cyst formation after arthroscopic Bankart repair: Comparison between biocomposite suture anchor and all-suture anchor Thesis
2021호르몬 수용체 음성 유방암 세포주에서 비스테로이드 항염증제의 항종양 효과Thesis
2021Impact of peripheral artery disease on outcome in ischemic stroke patients with aortic atheroma Thesis
2021Bone mineral density prediction from spine lateral X-ray images Thesis
2021Development and application of a package implementing TreeScan software in R Thesis
2021Identification of novel long noncoding RNA associated with chondrocyte hypertrophy Thesis
2021The role of Pellino-1 as a regulator of NFATc1 signaling during osteoclast differentiation Thesis
2021A validation study of auditory function in aminoglycoside-furosemide ototoxicity mice model : auditory brainstem response and distortion product otoacoustic emissions Thesis
2021Identification of biomarkers in food allergy using metabolomics Thesis
2021지역사회 거주 노인의 근감소증 및 근감소성 비만과 고혈압의 관련성 Thesis
2021다양한 화상 응급처치의 치료효과 비교 Thesis
2021The experience of intoxication analysis center service linked to the National Forensic Service in the emergency room of one tertiary hospital and its effect on the treatment of acute intoxication patients Thesis
2021Efficacy and mechanism of action of intravenous allogenic umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cell therapy in patients with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa Thesis
2021The association of employment status and blood pressure dipping patterns in a Korean cohort: cardiovascular and metabolic diseases etiology research center – high risk study Thesis
2021Establishment of Korean Merkel cell carcinoma patient cohort & identification of the relationship between borderline microenvironment fibrosis and clinical outcomes Thesis
2021의료사고 민사소송에 있어 정신과의사의 법적 책임 Thesis
2021방글라데시 램 프로젝트를 통해 살펴본 현대 의료 선교의 방향성 연구 Thesis
2021Relationship between job rotation and work-related low back pain: a cross-sectional study using data from the fifth Korean working conditions survey Thesis
2021Anti-inflammatory effects of tegoprazan, a novel potassium-competitive acid blocker, in mice colitis model Thesis

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