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Showing results 1161 to 1180 of 1257

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
1999Echocardiographic and morphologic characteristics of left atrial myxoma and their relation to systemic embolism.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY
1999Aortic saddle embolismCLINICAL CARDIOLOGY
1999인공심장판막 환자를 대상으로 한 Warfarin 치료의 적정성 평가 Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (한국임상약학회지)
1999Viability and enzymatic activity of cryopreserved porcine heart valve Yonsei Medical Journal
1999Noninvasive evaluation of coronary artery bypass graft patency using three-dimensional angiography obtained with contrast-enhanced electron beam CTAmerican Journal of Roentgenology
1999Mitral stenosis with left atrial thrombi Clinical Cardiology
1998The changes in main pulmonary artery pressure after bilateral lung autotransplantation in dogs YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
1998첨포를 이용한 좌주관상동맥 협착증의 치료 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998대동맥판을 보존한 대동맥근부치환술 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
19982 mm 흉강내시경을 이용한 흉부교감신경 절제술 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998좌측 전폐절제술후 발생한 Postpneumonectomy Syndrome의 치험 1례 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998Development and animal study of a pediatric ventricular assist deviceYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
1998종격동경을 이용한 식도절제수술 -1례- Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998식도천공 후 만기 일차 봉합술의 성적 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998Bilateral Seuquential Lung Transplantation in DogsTRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
1998폐의 태반양 기포성 병소(태반양 변형) -1례 보고- Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998말초동맥 폐쇄질환에 대한 외과적 고찰 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)
1998Xenotransplantation using pig lung in canines: effect of the absorption technique using pig lungTRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
1998Transesophageal echocardiographic identification of left upper pulmonary venous obstruction caused by compression by spontaneous pseudoaneurysm of the descending thoracic aortaJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY
1998소세포폐암의 수술 성적 Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (대한흉부외과학회지)

