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Showing results 791 to 810 of 1369

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2003P-63 and EGFR as prognostic predictors in stage IIB radiation-treated cervical squamous cell carcinomaGYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2017Palliative radiation therapy in the last 30 days of life: A systematic reviewRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2024Palliative Radiotherapy for Symptomatic Primary Tumors in Patients With Locally Advanced Breast Cancer JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2018Pancreatic radiation effect in apoptosis-related rectal radiation toxicity JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH
2012Pancreatoduodenectomy following neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in uncinate process pancreatic cancer.PANCREAS
1995Paraquat 중독 환자에서 전폐 방사선치료의 효과 Journal of the Korean Society of Therapeutics Radiology(대한치료방사선과학회지)
1995Paraquat 중독 환자에서 전폐 방사선치료의 효과 Journal of the Korean Society of Therapeutics Radiology(대한치료방사선과학회지)
2010Pathologic complete response of primary tumor following preoperative chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced rectal cancer: long-term outcomes and prognostic significance of pathologic nodal status (KROG 09-01).ANNALS OF SURGERY
2015Pathological Complete Remission of Pancreatic Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy; Not the End of Battles MEDICINE
2006Patient-reported assessment of quality care at end of life: Development and validation of Quality Care Questionnaire–End of Life (QCQ–EOL)EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER
2018Patient-Reported Toxicity During Pelvic Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy: NRG Oncology-RTOG 1203.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2018Patient-Specific Quality Assurance in a Multileaf Collimator-Based CyberKnife System Using the Planar Ion Chamber Array Korean Journal of Medical Physics (의학물리)
2021Patient-Specific Quality Assurance Using a 3D-Printed Chest Phantom for Intraoperative Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2022Pattern and clinical significance of lymph node metastasis from hepatocellular carcinomaJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2015Pattern of care of anaplastic oligodendroglioma and oligoastrocytoma in a Korean population: the Korean Radiation Oncology Group study 13-12JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2010Pattern of failure in bladder cancer patients treated with radical cystectomy: rationale for adjuvant radiotherapy JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2023Patterns and Longitudinal Changes in the Practice of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy in Korea: Korean Radiation Oncology Group 22-01 JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2013Patterns of care and treatment outcomes for primary thyroid lymphoma: a single institution study RADIATION ONCOLOGY JOURNAL
2024Patterns of Care for Brain Metastases in Asia: A Real-World Survey Conducted by the Federation of Asian Organizations for Radiation OncologyJCO GLOBAL ONCOLOGY
2019Patterns of care for orbital marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue in Korea throughout 2016: Results from a multicenter cross-sectional cohort study (KROG 16-19)ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION

