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Showing results 901 to 920 of 1395

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2016Profiling of rectal cancers MRI in pathological complete remission states after neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiation therapyCLINICAL RADIOLOGY
2018Prognoses and Clinical Outcomes of Primary and Recurrent Uveal Melanoma. CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2021Prognosis of patients with axillary lymph node metastases from occult breast cancer: analysis of multicenter data RADIATION ONCOLOGY JOURNAL
2023Prognosis prediction for glioblastoma multiforme patients using machine learning approaches: Development of the clinically applicable modelRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2009Prognostic factors affecting oncologic outcomes in patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer: impact of patterns of pelvic recurrence on curative resectionLANGENBECKS ARCHIVES OF SURGERY
2020Prognostic factors and patterns of loco-regional failure in patients with R0 resected gallbladder cancerHPB
2022Prognostic factors of dose-response relationship for nodal control in metastatic lymph nodes of cervical cancer patients undergoing definitive radiotherapy with concurrent chemotherapy JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2017Prognostic group stratification and nomogram for predicting overall survival in patients who received radiotherapy for abdominal lymph node metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma: a multi-institutional retrospective study (KROG 15-02) ONCOTARGET
2017Prognostic Impact of Elective Supraclavicular Nodal Irradiation for Patients with N1 Breast Cancer after Lumpectomy and Anthracycline Plus Taxane-Based Chemotherapy (KROG 1418): A Multicenter Case-Controlled Study CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2022Prognostic impact of neutrophilia and lymphopenia on survival in anal cancer treated with definitive concurrent chemoradiotherapy: a retrospective multicenter studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Prognostic impact of radiotherapy-induced-lymphopenia in patients treated with breast-conservative surgery SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021Prognostic Significance of Interim Response Evaluation during Definitive Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma CANCERS
2015Prognostic significance of nodal involvement region in clinical stage IIIc breast cancer patients who received primary systemic treatment, surgery, and radiotherapyBREAST
2018Prognostic significance of preoperative CT findings in patients with advanced gastric cancer who underwent curative gastrectomy PLOS ONE
2020Prognostic Significance of Sarcopenia in Advanced Biliary Tract Cancer Patients FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2018Prognostic Significance of Sarcopenia With Inflammation in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Who Underwent Definitive Chemoradiotherapy FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2016Prognostic value of FDG-PET volumetric parameters in patients with p16-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma who received curative resection followed by postoperative radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapyHEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK
2014Prognostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients treated with concurrent chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced oesophageal cancerDIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE
2002Prognostic value of vascular endothelial growth factor in stage IB carcinoma of the uterine cervixINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2019Prognostic values of mid-radiotherapy 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with esophageal cancer RADIATION ONCOLOGY

