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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2021Optimizing External Beam Radiotherapy as per the Risk Group of Localized Prostate Cancer: A Nationwide Multi-Institutional Study (KROG 18-15) CANCERS
2018Optimizing tissue-clearing conditions based on analysis of the critical factors affecting tissue-clearing procedures SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2006Orbital marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT: Radiotherapy results and clinical behaviorINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2013Orthotopic liver transplantation after the combined use of locoregional therapy and sorafenib for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma ONCOTARGETS AND THERAPY
2020Outcome of breast-conserving treatment for axillary lymph node metastasis from occult breast cancer with negative breast MRI BREAST
2014Outcome of Local Excision Following Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy for Clinically 12 Distal Rectal Cancer: A Multicenter Retrospective Study (KROG 12-06) CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2021Outcome of radiotherapy for clinically overt metastasis to the internal mammary lymph node in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy and breast cancer surgery BREAST
2022Outcomes of intracranial germinoma-A retrospective multinational Asian study on effect of clinical presentation and differential treatment strategies NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2022Outcomes of intracranial non-germinomatous germ cell tumors: a retrospective Asian multinational study on treatment strategies and prognostic factorsJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2017Outcomes of Treatment for Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumors: Different Clinical Features Associated with Neurofibromatosis Type 1 CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2014Overall response of both intrahepatic tumor and portal vein tumor thrombosis is a good prognostic factor for hepatocellular carcinoma patients receiving concurrent chemoradiotherapy JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH
2001Overexpression of heat-shock protein 25 augments radiation-induced cell-cycle arrest in murine L929 cellsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY
2016Overexpression of SOX2 Is Associated with Better Overall Survival in Squamous Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Adjuvant Radiotherapy CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2003Oxysterols induce apoptosis and accumulation of cell cycle at G2/M phase in the human monocytic THP-1 cell lineLIFE SCIENCES
2003P-63 and EGFR as prognostic predictors in stage IIB radiation-treated cervical squamous cell carcinomaGYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2017Palliative radiation therapy in the last 30 days of life: A systematic reviewRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2024Palliative Radiotherapy for Symptomatic Primary Tumors in Patients With Locally Advanced Breast Cancer JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2018Pancreatic radiation effect in apoptosis-related rectal radiation toxicity JOURNAL OF RADIATION RESEARCH
2012Pancreatoduodenectomy following neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in uncinate process pancreatic cancer.PANCREAS
1995Paraquat 중독 환자에서 전폐 방사선치료의 효과 Journal of the Korean Society of Therapeutics Radiology(대한치료방사선과학회지)

