Browsing "1. Journal Papers" by Identifier : 1873-5126

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2015[(18)F] FP-CIT PET study in parkinsonian patients with leukoaraiosisPARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS
2022Identifying the white matter structural network of motor reserve in early Parkinson's diseasePARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS
2024Patterns of regional cerebral hypoperfusion in early Parkinson's disease: Clinical implicationsPARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS
2022Temporal trajectory model for dopaminergic input to the striatal subregions in Parkinson's diseasePARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS
2021The pattern of FP-CIT PET in pure white matter hyperintensities-related vascular parkinsonismPARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS

