1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2020Predictors of 18F-sodium fluoride uptake in patients with stable coronary artery disease and adverse plaque features on computed tomography angiographyEUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING
2019Is Chest Computed Tomography Always Necessary Following Nephrectomy for Renal Cell Carcinoma? A Pilot Study in Single Tertiary InstitutionJOURNAL OF COMPUTER ASSISTED TOMOGRAPHY
2019Patterns of initially overlooked recurrence of peritoneal lesions in patients with advanced ovarian cancer on postoperative multi-detector row CTACTA RADIOLOGICA
1999Positive and negative symptoms and regional cerebral perfusion in antipsychotic-naive schizophrenic patients: a high-resolution SPECT studyPsychiatry Research-Neuroimaging
1999일차성 및 이차성 부갑상선 기능항진증에서 초음파 검사의 유용성 Journal of the Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound (대한초음파의학회지)
1999간의 자기 공명 영사에서 true FISP 급속 T2 강조 영상의 유용성 : 호흡 정지 급속 스핀 에코와 HASTE 영상과의 비교Journal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (대한자기공명의과학회지)
1999Perfusion impairments in infantile autism on technetium-99m ethyl cysteinate dimer brain single-photon emission tomography: comparison with findings on magnetic resonance imagingEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
1999비심장 수술 환자에서 수술 전후 심장사건의 위험도 평가를 위한 심근관류 SPECT의 유용성 Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine (대한핵의학회지)
1999Evaluation of reperfusion and recovery of brain function before and after intracarotid arterial urokinase therapy in acute cerebral infarction with brain SPECTClinical Nuclear Medicine
1999일차성 및 이차성 부갑상선기능항진증 환자에서 Doucle-Phase Tc-99m Sestamibi 스캔에 의한 병변의 국소화에 관한 비교 대한핵의학회지(Korean Journal Of Nuclear Medicine)
1999Assessment of myocardial metaiodobenzylguanidine uptake and its relation to left ventricular systolic and diastolic functional parameters in dilated cardiomyopathy YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2019The Prognostic Value of 18F-FDG Uptake in the Supraclavicular Lymph Node (N3c) on PET/CT in Patients With Locally Advanced Breast Cancer With Clinical N3cCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2019Dynamic causal modeling for calcium imaging: Exploration of differential effective connectivity for sensory processing in a barrel cortical columnNEUROIMAGE
2019Peri-Coronary Adipose Tissue Density Is Associated With 18F-Sodium Fluoride Coronary Uptake in Stable Patients With High-Risk PlaquesJACC-CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING
2019Graph-theoretical analysis for energy landscape reveals the organization of state transitions in the resting-state human cerebral cortex PLOS ONE
2019Significance of Metabolic Tumor Volume and Total Lesion Glycolysis Measured Using ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT in Locally Advanced and Metastatic Gallbladder Carcinoma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2019THK5351 and flortaucipir PET with pathological correlation in a Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease patient: a case report BMC NEUROLOGY
2019Progressive Tau Accumulation in Alzheimer Disease: 2-Year Follow-up StudyJOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2019Effects of Lewy body disease and Alzheimer disease on brain atrophy and cognitive dysfunctionNEUROLOGY
2018Aliphatic radiofluorination using TBAHCO3 eluate in hydrous organic medium Journal of Radiopharmaceuticals and Molecular Probes (대한방사성의약품학회지)

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