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Showing results 701 to 720 of 2084

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2010First report of brain abscess associated with Pseudozyma species in a patient with astrocytoma KOREAN JOURNAL OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2013Five overlapping enterprise stents in the internal carotid artery-to-middle cerebral artery to treat a ruptured blood blister-like aneurysmNEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES
2023Five Reasons Why Some Herniated Intervertebral Discs are Painless JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH
2018Flow Diversion via LVIS Blue Stent within Enterprise Stent in Patients with Vertebral Artery Dissecting Aneurysm.WORLD NEUROSURGERY
2022Flow diverter for the treatment of large (> 10 mm) vertebral artery dissecting aneurysmsACTA NEUROCHIRURGICA
2011Focal time-to-peak changes on perfusion MRI in children with Moyamoya disease: correlation with conventional angiographyACTA RADIOLOGICA
2024Focused Ultrasound as a Novel Non-Invasive Method for the Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles to Retinal Ganglion Cells TRANSLATIONAL VISION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
2017Focused ultrasound treatment for central nervous system disease: neurosurgeon’s perspectivesBIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING LETTERS
2019Focused ultrasound-induced blood-brain barrier opening improves adult hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive function in a cholinergic degeneration dementia rat model ALZHEIMERS RESEARCH & THERAPY
2018Focused ultrasound-mediated noninvasive blood-brain barrier modulation: preclinical examination of efficacy and safety in various sonication parametersNEUROSURGICAL FOCUS
2007Follow-up Comparison of Two Different Types of Anterior Thoracolumbar Instrumentations in Trauma Cases : Z-plate vs. Kaneda Device Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society (대한신경외과학회지)
2022Follow-up imaging of clipped intracranial aneurysms with 3-T MRI: comparison between 3D time-of-flight MR angiography and pointwise encoding time reduction with radial acquisition subtraction-based MR angiographyJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2018Force-mediated proinvasive matrix remodeling driven by tumor-associated mesenchymal stem-like cells in glioblastoma BMB REPORTS
2021Formation, Growth, or Rupture of De Novo Intracranial Aneurysms: Long-Term Follow-up Study of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage SurvivorsNEUROSURGERY
2019Forward deployed coil embolization with multiple overlapping stents for ruptured blood blister-like aneurysms: technical considerations and outcomesNEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH
2019Four-year Follow-Up Results of Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential TremorMOVEMENT DISORDERS
2013Fractionated radiation-induced nitric oxide promotes expansion of glioma stem-like cellsCANCER SCIENCE
2005Frequent sequence variation at the ETM2 locus and its association with sporadic essential tremor in KoreaMOVEMENT DISORDERS
2019From Resection to Disconnection for Seizure Control in Pediatric Epilepsy Children Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
2020Fully automated 3D segmentation and separation of multiple cervical vertebrae in CT images using a 2D convolutional neural networkCOMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE

