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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
1997An analysis of the natural history of cavernous malformationsSURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2009Comparison of anterior cervical foraminotomy vs arthroplasty for unilateral cervical radiculopathySURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2009Emergency endovascular stent graft and coil placement for internal carotid artery injury during transsphenoidal surgerySURGICAL NEUROLOGY
1995False localization of rupture by computed tomography in bilateral internal carotid artery aneurysmsSURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2008Microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm: analyses of operative complications in 1582 consecutive patients.SURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2009Radiologically documented adjacent-segment degeneration after cervical arthroplasty: characteristics and review of casesSURGICAL NEUROLOGY
1999Recanalization of completely thrombosed giant aneurysm: case report.Surgical Neurology
2002Selective posterior rhizotomy for lower extremity spasticity: how much and which of the posterior rootlets should be cut?SURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2008Surgery for distal anterior cerebral artery aneurysmsSURGICAL NEUROLOGY
2003Surgery for posterior communicating artery aneurysmsSURGICAL NEUROLOGY
1997Volume Changes following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Intracranial TumorsSURGICAL NEUROLOGY

