Browsing "1. Journal Papers" by Identifier : 0013-9580

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2005Antiepileptic Drug Withdrawal after Successful Surgery for Intractable Temporal Lobe EpilepsyEPILEPSIA
2008Balloon cells and dysmorphic neurons in the hippocampus associated with epileptic amnesic syndrome: a case report.EPILEPSIA
2001Ictal Automatisms with Preserved Responsiveness in a Patient with Left Mesial Temporal Lobe EpilepsyEPILEPSIA
2002Interictal epileptiform discharges related to H-MRS-detected metabolic abnormalities in mesial temporal lobe epilepsyEPILEPSIA
2018Interregional metabolic connectivity of 2-deoxy-2[18 F]fluoro-D-glucose positron emission tomography in vagus nerve stimulation for pediatric patients with epilepsy: A retrospective cross-sectional studyEPILEPSIA
2003Long-lasting Anticonvulsant Effect of Focal Cooling on Experimental Neocortical SeizuresEPILEPSIA
2011Neuroimaging in identifying focal cortical dysplasia and prognostic factors in pediatric and adolescent epilepsy surgery.EPILEPSIA

