Browsing "1. Journal Papers" by Author : 2697

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Showing results 2 to 5 of 5

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2020Efficacy of transdermal immunotherapy with biodegradable microneedle patches in a murine asthma modelCLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGY
2015Profiles of IgE Sensitization to Der f 1, Der f 2, Der f 6, Der f 8, Der f 10, and Der f 20 in Korean House Dust Mite Allergy Patients ALLERGY ASTHMA & IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH
2018Successful transdermal allergen delivery and allergen-specific immunotherapy using biodegradable microneedle patchesBIOMATERIALS
2009카메룬 여행 후 발생한 종기성 피부 구더기증 1예 Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)

