1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2020AZD-9056, a P2X7 receptor inhibitor, suppresses ATP-induced melanogenesisJOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGICAL SCIENCE
2020Perceptions and Behavior Regarding Skin Health and Skin Care Products: Analysis of the Questionnaires for the Visitors of Skin Health Expo 2018 ANNALS OF DERMATOLOGY
2020Rare case of CD8+ CD56+ cytotoxic variant of mycosis fungoides clinically presenting with a combination of hypopigmentation and poikilodermaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY
2020High-speed combined reflectance confocal and moxifloxacin based two-photon microscopy BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
2020Assessment of deep neural networks for the diagnosis of benign and malignant skin neoplasms in comparison with dermatologists: A retrospective validation study PLOS MEDICINE
2020The Effect of Conditioned Media From Human Adipocyte-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells on Androgenetic Alopecia After Nonablative Fractional Laser TreatmentDERMATOLOGIC SURGERY
2020Hair growth promotion by necrostatin-1s SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020Non-melanoma skin cancer as a clinical marker for internal malignancies: a nationwide population-based cohort studyJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY
2020Compound Heterozygous Mutations with a Novel Variant in Integrin Beta4 Cause Epidermolysis Bullosa with Pyloric Atresia and Urologic Abnormalities YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2020Targeting inducible costimulator expressed on CXCR5 + PD-1 + T H cells suppresses the progression of pemphigus vulgarisJOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY
2020Safety of Combined Fractional Microneedle Radiofrequency and CO2 as an Early Intervention for Inflammatory Acne and Scarring Treated With Concomitant IsotretinoinDERMATOLOGIC SURGERY
2020Effect of a topical antioxidant serum containing vitamin C, vitamin E, and ferulic acid after Q-switched 1064-nm Nd:YAG laser for treatment of environment-induced skin pigmentationJOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY
2020Tissue-remodelling M2 Macrophages Recruits Matrix Metallo-proteinase-9 for Cryotherapy-induced Fibrotic Resolution during Keloid Treatment ACTA DERMATO-VENEREOLOGICA
2020Personalized dosing of ixekizumab for psoriasisBRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY
2020Hepatitis B reactivation in patients with pemphigus vulgaris after immunosuppressive therapy including rituximabJAAD Case Reports
2020조직학적으로 드물게 보이는 두피에 발생한 선종양형 기저세포암 1예Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)
2020Advantages of A Hairline Incision for the Excision of Forehead LipomasDERMATOLOGIC SURGERY
2020Successful Treatment of Riehl's Melanosis With Mid-Fluence Q-Switched Nd:YAG 1064-nm LaserLASERS IN SURGERY AND MEDICINE
2020Hypoxia and HIF-1α Regulate Collagen Production in KeloidsJOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY
2020저용량 전신스테로이드에 잘 반응한 얼굴에 발생한 Rosai-Dorfman Disease 1예Korean Journal of Dermatology (대한피부과학회지)

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