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Showing results 21 to 40 of 103

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2013TGF-β에 의해서 유도되는 EMT에서 PKCK2의 역할 규명 및 활성조절 연구Thesis
2013Intraocular pressure (IOP) more reduced when using TIVA with propofol during robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy Thesis
2012Intrathecal morphine plus patient-controlled intravenous fentanyl infusion is not as effective as patient-controlled thoracic epidural analgesia in patients undergoing gastrectomy Thesis
2012Comparison of propofol and fentanyl for the prevention of emergence agitation in children after sevoflurane anesthesia Thesis
2012Ultrasound evaluation of subglottic diameter and endotracheal tube in children Thesis
2012고 위험환자의 무체외순환 관상동맥 우회술에서 ulinastatin이 응고에 미치는 영향Thesis
2011Effect of multi-intervention with a small dose of propofol and dexamethasone compared with dexamethasone alone on postoperative nausea and vomiting in pediatric moyamoya patients Thesis
2011Can airway pressure change predict intraoperative blood loss in patients undergoing spine surgery?Thesis
2011대동맥판막수술에서 고용량 ulinastatin이 수술 후 심장 및 신장 기능과 출혈량에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2010승모판수술에서 충진액에 포함된 4% albumin과 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4이 출혈과 염증 반응에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2010The change in regional cerebral oxygen saturation after stellate ganglion blockThesis
2010Clopidogrel responsiveness regardless of discontinuation date predicts increased blood loss and transfusion requirement following off-pump coronary bypass surgery Thesis
2010Effect of hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 on blood loss and coagulation in patients with dual antiplatelet agents prior to off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery Thesis
2010소아에서 체위변화시 경질막낭 종말(dural sac end)의 위치변화와 2-3 천추 간 미추차단 접근법의 해부학적 안정성: 초음파를 이용한 관찰 Thesis
2010Incompetence of internal jugular valve is associated with mild postoperative cognitive decline in robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy Thesis
2010경부 추간 관절통에서 통증평가지표로서 능동적 운동범위의 유용성 Thesis
2010소아의 서혜부 수술 후 제통을 위한 ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve block시 적절한 표면 해부학적 경계표의 초음파적 관찰Thesis
2009Phenylephrine이 rocuronium의 발현시간에 미치는 영향 Thesis
2009Effect of ramosetron plus dexamethasone versus ramosetron alone for preventing nausea and vomiting after spine surgery in highly susceptible patients Thesis
2009Comparison of the sacral interspinous and hiatal approach for caudal block in childrenThesis

