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Showing results 801 to 820 of 1867

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2013Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion in Adults: Comparison between Fully Deflated and Partially Inflated Technique YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2002Learning by computer simulation does not lead to better test performance than textbook study in diagnosis and treatment of dysrhythmias.JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA
2019Level-Set Segmentation-Based Respiratory Volume Estimation Using a Depth CameraIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
2003Lidocaine에 첨가한 Clonidine과 Fentanyl이 상완신경총차단에 미치는 효과 비교 Journal of Korean Society of Anesthesiologist (대한마취과학회지)
2004Lidocaine을 혼합한 Bupivacaine의 고비중 척추마취시 회복시간 KOREAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY
2022Limited cryoablation reduces hospital stay and opioid consumption compared to thoracic epidural analgesia after minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum MEDICINE
2020Lipid Emulsion Improves Functional Recovery in an Animal Model of Stroke INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2015Lipid Emulsion Inhibits Vasodilation Induced by a Toxic Dose of Bupivacaine via Attenuated Dephosphorylation of Myosin Phosphatase Target Subunit 1 in Isolated Rat Aorta INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES
2020Lipid Emulsion Restoration of Myocardial Contractions After Bupivacaine-Induced Asystole In Vitro: A Benefit of Long- and Medium-Chain Triglyceride Over Long-Chain TriglycerideANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA
2006Liquid Heparin Anticoagulant Produces More Negative Bias in the Determination of Ionized Magnesium than Ionized Calcium YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2011Local anesthetics inhibit tissue factor expression in activated monocytes via inhibition of tissue factor mRNA synthesisCLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS
2020Long-term mortality of patients discharged from the hospital after successful critical care in the ICU in Korea: a retrospective observational study in a single tertiary care teaching hospital KOREAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY
1999Long-term outcome of percutaneous thermocoagulation for trigeminal neuralgia.ANAESTHESIA
2023Longitudinal association between adiposity changes and lung function deterioration RESPIRATORY RESEARCH
2023Low Intraoperative Cerebral Oxygen Saturation Is Associated with Acute kidney Injury after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2014Low-Dose Dexmedetomidine Reduces Emergence Agitation after Desflurane Anaesthesia in Children Undergoing Strabismus Surgery YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2012Low-dose remifentanil infusion during ventilator weaning and tracheal extubation in postoperative intensive care unit patients sedated with propofol-remifentanil: a randomised clinical trialANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE
2012Low-dose remifentanil to modify hemodynamic responses to tracheal intubation: comparison in normotensive and untreated/treated hypertensive Korean patients KOREAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY
2021Machine learning to predict distal caries in mandibular second molars associated with impacted third molars SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Machine learning with clinical and intraoperative biosignal data for predicting postoperative delirium after cardiac surgeryISCIENCE

