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Showing results 741 to 760 of 1867

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Influence of Preoperative Handgrip Strength on Length of Stay after Lumbar Fusion Surgery JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2020Influence of preoperative hemoglobin A1c on early outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus undergoing off-pump coronary artery bypass surgeryJOURNAL OF THORACIC AND CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY
2024Influence of psychological factors and pain sensitivity on the efficacy of opioid-free anesthesia: A randomized clinical trialGENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY
2020Influence of Quality of Nursing Work Life on Nurses’ Turnover Intention: the Mediating Effect of Organizational Commitment Medico Legal Update
2009Influence of replacement with Ringer's lactate for preoperative NPO deficits on blood glucose concentration in children undergoing strabismus surgery Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
2019Influence of reversal of neuromuscular blockade with sugammadex or neostigmine on postoperative quality of recovery following a single bolus dose of rocuronium: A prospective, randomized, double-blinded, controlled studyJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA
2010Influence of T3 or T4 sympathicotomy for palmar hyperhidrosisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY
2021Influence of two-handed jaw thrust during tracheal intubation on postoperative sore throat: a prospective randomised study JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH
2003Infrared Thermographic Imaging in the Assessment of Successful Block on Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglion YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Infraspinatus-teres minor (ITM) interfascial block: a novel approach for combined suprascapular and axillary nerve blockREGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2020Inhalation sedation for postoperative patients in the intensive care unit: initial sevoflurane concentration and comparison of opioid use with propofol sedation ACUTE AND CRITICAL CARE
2021Inhalational versus intravenous maintenance of anesthesia for quality of recovery in patients undergoing corrective lower limb osteotomy: A randomized controlled trial PLOS ONE
2024Inhaled iloprost in off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: a randomized controlled trialCANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA-JOURNAL CANADIEN D ANESTHESIE
2008Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase or the apoptotic protein p53 lowers the threshold of helium cardioprotection in vivo: the role of mitochondrial permeability transition ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA
2017Inhibition of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Signaling in the Insular Cortex Alleviates Neuropathic Pain after Peripheral Nerve Injury FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE
2021Initial experience of irreversible electroporation for locally advanced pancreatic cancer in a Korean populationACTA RADIOLOGICA
2020Injectate spread in interfascial plane block: a microscopic findingREGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE
2019Insertion depth of nasotracheal tubes sized to fit the nostril: an observational studyJOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH
2012Institutional review board (IRB) and ethical issues in clinical research KOREAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY
2009Intensity of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields produced in operating rooms during surgery at the standing position of anesthesiologistsANESTHESIOLOGY

