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Showing results 721 to 740 of 1867

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2017Inequality in unmet dental care needs among South Korean adults BMC ORAL HEALTH
2020Inflammasome and Cognitive Symptoms in Human Diseases: Biological Evidence from Experimental Research INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2021Inflammatory Response in COVID-19 Patients Resulting from the Interaction of the Inflammasome and SARS-CoV-2 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2024Influence of acute kidney injury and its recovery subtypes on patient-centered outcomes after lung transplantation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Influence of age on gender-related differences in acute kidney injury after minimally invasive radical or partial nephrectomySURGICAL ENDOSCOPY AND OTHER INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES
2017Influence of caudal block on postoperative oliguria in infants undergoing bilateral ureteroneocystostomy: a retrospective analysisPEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA
2015Influence of Centrally Mediated Symptoms on Postoperative Pain in Osteoarthritis Patients Undergoing Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Observational EvaluationPAIN PRACTICE
2022Influence of cross-sectional area and fat infiltration of paraspinal muscles on analgesic efficacy of epidural steroid injection in elderly patientsPAIN PRACTICE
2021Influence of Deep Neuromuscular Blockade on Perioperative Stress Response in Patients Undergoing Robot-Assisted Gastrectomy: A Prospective Double-Blinded Randomized-Controlled Trial JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE
2024Influence of Frailty Status on the Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Injections in Elderly Patients With Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Disease PAIN RESEARCH & MANAGEMENT
2024Influence of frailty status on the health-related quality of life in older patients with chronic low back pain: a retrospective observational studyQUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH
2012Influence of full-time intensivist and the nurse-to-patient ratio on the implementation of severe sepsis bundles in Korean intensive care unitsJOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE
2022Influence of Handgrip Strength and Psoas Muscle Index on Analgesic Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Injection in Patients With Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Disease PAIN PHYSICIAN
2019Influence of head and neck position on the performance of supraglottic airway devices: A systematic review and meta-analysis PLOS ONE
2017Influence of head and neck position on ventilation using the air-Q® SP airway in anaesthetized paralysed patients: a prospective randomized crossover studyBRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA
2019Influence of injectate volume on paravertebral spread in erector spinae plane block: An endoscopic and anatomical evaluation PLOS ONE
2023Influence of laminectomy on the lumbosacral cerebrospinal fluid volume: A retrospective magnetic resonance imaging studyANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE
2016Influence of Mechanical Ventilation on the Incidence of Pneumothorax During Infraclavicular Subclavian Vein Catheterization: A Prospective Randomized Noninferiority TrialANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA
2022Influence of Mild Thyroid Dysfunction on Outcomes after Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2018Influence of needle-insertion depth on epidural spread and clinical outcomes in caudal epidural injections: a randomized clinical trial JOURNAL OF PAIN RESEARCH

