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Showing results 281 to 300 of 1197

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2013Defective Mismatch Repair and Benefit from Bevacizumab for Colon Cancer: Findings from NSABP C-08JNCI-JOURNAL OF THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE
2018Dendritic cell targeted HIV-1 gag protein vaccine provides help to a recombinant Newcastle disease virus vectored vaccine including mobilization of protective CD8(+) T cells IMMUNITY INFLAMMATION AND DISEASE
2005Dendritic Cell-Specific Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 3-Grabbing Nonintegrin/CD209 Is Abundant on Macrophages in the Normal Human Lymph Node and Is Not Required for Dendritic Cell Stimulation of the Mixed Leukocyte Reaction JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY
2016Dendritic Cells Induce a Subpopulation of IL-12Rβ2-Expressing Treg that Specifically Consumes IL-12 to Control Th1 Responses PLOS ONE
2021Depletion of Adipocyte Becn1 Leads to Lipodystrophy and Metabolic DysregulationDIABETES
2019Depletion of CTCF induces craniofacial malformations in mouse embryos AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH
2018Design of Polymeric Culture Substrates to Promote Proangiogenic Potential of Stem CellsMACROMOLECULAR BIOSCIENCE
2020Destabilization of β-catenin and RAS by targeting the Wnt/β-catenin pathway as a potential treatment for triple-negative breast cancer EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2018Development of a radionuclide-labeled monoclonal anti-CD55 antibody with theranostic potential in pleural metastatic lung cancer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019Development of novel biocompatible thermosensitive anti-adhesive agents using human-derived acellular dermal matrix PLOS ONE
2022Development of transgenic models susceptible and resistant to SARS-CoV-2 infection in FVB background mice PLOS ONE
2020Dexras1 plays a pivotal role in maintaining the equilibrium between adipogenesis and osteogenesisMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2024DGAT2 Plays a Crucial Role to Control ESRRAPROX1 Transcriptional Network to Maintain Hepatic Mitochondrial Sustainability DIABETES & METABOLISM JOURNAL
2019Di-2-ethylhexylphthalate promotes thyroid cell proliferation and DNA damage through activating thyrotropin-receptor-mediated pathways in vitro and in vivoFOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY
2010Diabetes mellitus mitigates cardioprotective effects of remifentanil preconditioning in ischemia-reperfused rat heart in association with anti-apoptotic pathways of survival.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY
2012Diagnostic significance of serum HMGB1 in colorectal carcinomas PLOS ONE
2017Dielectric imaging for differentiation between cancer and inflammation in vivo SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2007Differential activation of the JNK signal pathway by UV irradiation and glucose deprivationCELLULAR SIGNALLING
2007Differential Antigen Processing by Dendritic Cell Subsets in Vivo SCIENCE
2013Differential impact of metabolic syndrome on subclinical atherosclerosis according to the presence of diabetes CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY

