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Showing results 46261 to 46280 of 62728

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Virological failure and treatment switch after ART initiation among people living with HIV with and without routine viral load monitoring in Asia JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY
2014Virtual ablation for atrial fibrillation in personalized in-silico three-dimensional left atrial modeling: comparison with clinical catheter ablationPROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
2021Virtual dissection of the real brain: integration of photographic 3D models into virtual reality and its effect on neurosurgical resident educationNEUROSURGICAL FOCUS
2008Virtual electrodes and the induction of fibrillation in Langendorff-perfused rabbit ventricles: the role of intracellular calcium AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY
2007Virtual Environment Training System for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients with Unilateral Neglect: Crossing the Virtual StreetCyberosychology & Behavior
2017Virtual In-Silico Modeling Guided Catheter Ablation Predicts Effective Linear Ablation Lesion Set for Longstanding Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Multicenter Prospective Randomized Study FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY
2008Virtual reality applications for patients with schizophreniaJournal of Cyber Therapy and Rehabilitation
2009Virtual reality for obsessive-compulsive disorder: past and the future PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2009Virtual reality prototype for measurement of expression characteristics in emotional situations.COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE
2021Virtual reality rehabilitation in children with brain injury: a randomized controlled trialDEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY
2023Virtual reality simulator's effectiveness on the spine procedure education for trainee: a randomized controlled trial KOREAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIOLOGY
2023Virtual reality-based monitoring test for MCI: A multicenter feasibility study FRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY
2021Virtual reality-based neurological examination teaching tool(VRNET) versus standardized patient in teaching neurological examinations for the medical students: a randomized, single-blind study BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION
2014Virtual screening and synthesis of novel antitubercular agents through interaction-based pharmacophore and molecular docking studiesCURRENT COMPUTER-AIDED DRUG DESIGN
2023Virtual Surgical Planning for 3 Dimensional Mandibular Reconstruction With Free Fibular Osseous Flaps Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
2020VirtualCytometry: a webserver for evaluating immune cell differentiation using single-cell RNA sequencing dataBIOINFORMATICS
2019Virulence Characteristics and an Action Mode of Antibiotic Resistance in Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2023Virulence Traits and Azole Resistance in Korean Candida auris Isolates JOURNAL OF FUNGI
2015Virulence-Dependent Alterations in the Kinetics of Immune Cells during Pulmonary Infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis PLOS ONE
2017Virulence-dependent induction of interleukin-10-producing-tolerogenic dendritic cells by Mycobacterium tuberculosis impedes optimal T helper type 1 proliferation IMMUNOLOGY

