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응용 입술 트릴 훈련이 뮤지컬 전공 학생의 음성 변화에 미치는 효과

Other Titles
 The effect of the Modified Voiced Lip Trill (MVoLT) training on vocal changes of musical theater students 
 이승진  ;  최홍식  ;  임재열  ;  이광용 
 Journal of the Korean Society of Speechc Sciences (말소리와 음성과학), Vol.10(4) : 135-146, 2018 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society of Speechc Sciences(말소리와 음성과학)
Issue Date
Modified Voiced Lip Trill (MVoLT) ; semi-occluded vocal tract exercise ; musical theater singing ; voice ; voice assessment
The Modified Voiced Lip Trill (MVoLT) training is a variant of voiced lip-till training characterized by increased loudness, lowered laryngeal position, and lip contact facilitated with fingers. The purpose of the current study was to assess the effect of the MVoLT training program on vocal changes of musical singing theater students. A total of 32 musical theater students (17 males and 15 females, age ranging from 18 to 29) participated in the study. For about three months, each participant was tutored using a systematic program focussing on the MVoLT training, accompanied by certain facilitating strategies. Pre- & post-training multi-dimensional vocal characteristics were assesed and compared. Results showed that cepstral peak prominence during vowel phonation increased after training, while its standard deviation and Cepstral Spectral Index of Dysphonia decreased. When an aerodynamic assessment was performed, maximum phonation time, subglottal pressure, mean airflow rate increased, while electroglottographic measures did not change. In addition, decreased psychometric measures, higher maximum pitch, and increased vocal range were noted after training. In conclusion, the MVoLT was proven to have a potential as an effective and safe training method for musical theater singing.
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Yonsei Authors
Lim, Jae Yol(임재열) ORCID logo
Choi, Hong Shik(최홍식)
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