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군병원 간호정보체계 개발

Other Titles
 A Study for the development of the Nursing Information System in the Korean Military Hospital 
Issue Date


오늘날 환자간호제공에 있어 간호사들의 컴퓨터 이용을 통한 간호의 과학화를 주도해

나갈 것을 촉구하고 있다. 정부 또한 국방정보 통합시스템('94∼'96)을 구축하기 위해 노

력하는 중 국군의무사령부에서는 군병원 종합정보망(HITS)개발을 목표로 활발한 연구가

진행되고 있다. 이에 91년 8월 개발시스템 (HITS)이 시범운영에 들어갔으나 현재 관리를

위한 행정업무 정보체계에 머물음으로써, 간호업무의 전산화 또한 멀지 않은 시기에 이루

어질 것으로 사료된다. 이 연구는 군병원 간호체계 개발을 위한 것으로 연구방법은 시스

템 개발 수명주기를 이용하였으며, 이는 전략계획수립, 시스템 분석, 시스템 설계, 시스

템 실시, 시스템 평가의 5단계로 구성하고있다.

연구결과는 다음과 같다.

첫째, 3단계 전략계획을 수립했다. 1단계는 간호정책수립과 간호의 효율화를 위한 데이

타 베이스 구축을 위해 환자 기초자료관리, 진료지원 업무, 환자간호관리, 병동관리 등을

전산화 대상업무로 선정했다. 2단계는 간호부의 사무 행정능률 향상을 위한 정보시스템

구축을 위해 병동군수계획서, 병동재산대장관리, 근무표, 근무평정, 간호요원 피복관리

등을 전산화 대상업무로 선정했다. 3단계는 군간호정책 및 질적표준화를 위한 정보시스템

구축을 전산화 대상업무로 선정하였다.

둘째, 이러한 전략계획에 따른 환자기초자료관리, 진료지원업무, 환자간호관리, 병동관

리시스템에 대해 시스템분석과 개념적 설계를 실시하였다.

셋째, 실시전략을 수립했다. 군병원 간호정보시스템 실시에 있어 위험요인을 감소하기

위한 대책과 간호정보체계의 국방정보통합시스템으로 연계되기 위한 방안을 수립하였다.

A Study for the development of the Nursing Information System in the Korean

Military Hospital

Kim, Bok Nam

The Graduate School of Health Science and Management Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Chae, Young Moon Ph. D. )

It has been encouraged for nurses to use computer in nursing practice in order to

provide patient care in scientific manner. Korean Goverment has been making efforts

in constructing Military Information Total System ('94∼96)'. At the same time,

Army Medical Head Quarters has also engaged in developing Military Hospital

Information Total System (HITS) through vigorous studies. While HITS was developed

In Aug.1991, the utilization of HITS has been limited to support only

administrative works. Therefore, the utilization of HITS should be further expanded

to support nursing works in the near future.

The purpose of this study was to develop a model system for Military Hospital

Nursing Information System using a System Development Life Cycle method. System

Development Life Cycle is composed of 5 carts : development of strategic plan,

analysis of the system, design of the system, implementation of the system and

evaluation of the system.

First, the three-stage strategic plan was developed as follows. The first stage

was focused on basic hospital information systems, including basic patient

management, nursing process, nursing record, patient education, ward activity

record and supply management. The purpose of these information systems is to

develop a data base to support basic nursing activities in a productive and

efficient way. The second stage was focused on developing nursing administrative

infor-motion systems, which are related to the management of supply plan,

inventory, schedule, work evaluation, clothing for nursing personnel. The third

stage was focused on developing nursing information systems, which are related to

the development of nursing policy and the standarization of nursing quality.

Based on this strategic plan, the systems analysis and conceptual designs were

performed for basic patient management, nursing process, nursing record, patient

education, ward activity record and supply management systems.

Finally, implementation strategies were developed in two parts : first one was to

reduce risk factors in implementing military hospital nursing information system

(NIS) ; second one was to make the NIS to consolidate as a part of Military

Information Total System.
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4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 2. Thesis
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