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작업관련성 근골격계질환의 발생 관련요인에 관한 연구

Other Titles
 Study on risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). 
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본 연구는 업무상질병자중 작업관련성 근골격계질환자(이하 질환자)의 일반적 특성을 파악하고, 질환자의 발생부위별 관련요인을 파악하기 위하여 2000년도 질환자로 인정된 807명을 연구대상으로 산업재해 요양신청서 자료에 의한 기록조사를 실시하였다.

본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다.

1. 연구대상 질환자 807명중 남자가 630명(78.1%), 여자가 177명(21.9%)이었으며, 연령은 30∼39세가 282명(34.9%)으로 가장 많았으며, 평균연령은 38.6세이었다. 근속기간은 1∼5년 미만이 229명(28.4%)으로 가장 많았으며, 평균 근속기간은 6.6년이었다. 직종은 노무직이 364명(45.1%)으로 가장 많았다. 사업장 규모는 상시 근로자가 50인 미만이 304명(37.7%)으로 가장 많았으며, 업종은 제조업이 525명(65.0%)으로 가장 많았다.

2. 연구대상 질환자 807명중 허리부위질환자가 434명(53.8%)으로 가장 많았으며, 목/어깨부위질환자 182명(22.6%), 팔/손목/손부위질환자 168명(20.8%), 하지부위질환자가 23명(2.8%)이었다.

3. 질환자 807명의 근로손실일은 181일∼364일이 266명(33.0%), 91일∼180일이 207명(25.6%), 29일∼90일이 191명(23.7%)이었으며, 평균 근로손실일은 168.2일이었다. 질환자의 발생부위별 평균 근로손실일은 허리부위질환이 163.9일, 목/어깨부위질환 167.4일, 팔/손목/손부위질환 179.0일, 하지부위질환이 174.9일이었다.

4. 연구대상 질환자 807명중 부적절한 작업자세요인이 있는 자가 718명(89.0%), 반복작업요인 514명(63.7%), 무리한 힘 요인 428명(53.0%), 진동요인 53명(6.6%), 신체접촉요인이 9명(1.1%)이었다.

질환자의 발생부위별 관련요인으로 허리부위 질환자는 부적절한 작업자세요인이 363명(83.6%), 무리한 힘 요인 301명(69.4%), 반복작업요인이 196명(45.2%)이었으며, 목/어깨부위 질환자는 부적절한 작업자세요인이 179명(98.4%), 반복작업요인 152명(83.5%), 무리한힘 요인이 50명(27.5%)이었다. 팔/손목/손부위 질환자는 부적절한 작업자세요인이 167명(99.4%), 반복작업요인 152명(90.5%), 무리한 힘 요인이 73명(43.5%)이었으며, 하지부위 질환자는 반복작업요인이 14명(60.9%), 부적절한 작업자세요인이 9명(39.1%)이었다.

본 연구결과, 질환자의 질환발생 관련요인은 부적절한 작업자세요인이 가장 많았지만, 반복작업요인과 무리한 힘 요인 등의 복합적인 요인에 의해 질환이 발생되는 것을 알 수 있었다.

따라서 사업장에서는 이에 대한 관리대책으로 근로자에게 올바른 작업자세 유지 및 질환발생 관련요인을 주지시키는 안전보건교육이 선행되어야 할 것이며, 산업재해 예방기관에서는 본 연구결과를 작업관련성 근골격계질환을 예방하는 기초자료로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.


This study is to identify general characteristics of and risk factors by injured body parts of the patients having work-related musculoskeletal disorders (hereinafter referred to as "WMSDs Patients"), for which the record survey has been carried out on the basis of the data on the applications for recuperation due to

workers' accidents for the subject of 807 persons determined as the WMSDs Patients in 2000.

The results of this study are as described below.

1. Out of total 807 WMSDs Patients, there were 630 male WMSDs Patients(78.1%) and 177 female WMSDs Patients(21.9%). 34.9% of the subjects were in the range of 30 to 39 years(282 WMSDs Patients), and the average age was 38.6 years. For the period of

employment, there were 229 WMSDs Patients of 28.4% who were engaged in the concerned job for 1-5 years, and the average employment period was 6.6 years. For the job type, the laborers were 364 accounting for 45.1%. For the size of business, the size having less 50 permanent employees was at the first rank, being 304 WMSDs Patients of 37.7%, and for the industry type, the manufacturing was 65.0% of 525 WMSDs Patients, being the first.

2. Among 807 subjects, the back disorder was at the top, of 434 persons(53.8%), neck/shoulder disorder was of 182 persons(22.6%), arm/ wrist/hand disorder of 168 persons(20.8%), and leg/knee/ankle disorder of 23 persons(2.8%).

3. For the lost workdays, 181-364 day loss was of 266 persons (33.0%), 91-180 day loss was of 207 persons(25.6%), 29-90 day loss was of 191 persons(23.7%), and the average lost workdays were 168.2. For the lost workdays by injured parts, it was 16

3.9 days for the back disorder, 167.4 days for neck/shoulder disorder, 179.0 days for arm/ wrist/hand disorder, and 174.9 days for leg/knee/ankle disorder.

4. Among 807 subjects, there were awkward posture of 718 persons (89.0%), repetition of 514 persons(63.7%), exertion force of 428 persons (53.0%), vibration of 53 persons(6.6%) and physical contact of 9 persons (1.1%). To review the risk factors of injury by parts of the body, the risk factors of back disorder were

awkward posture of 363 persons (83.6%), exertion force of 301 persons(69.4%), and repetition of 196 persons(45.2%); the ones of neck/shoulder disorder were awkward posture of 179 persons(98.4%), repetition of 152 persons(83.5%) and exertion force for 50 persons(27.5%); the ones of arm/wrist/hand disorder were awkward posture of 167 persons(99.4%), repetition of 152 persons(90.5%), and exertion force of 73 persons(43.5%); and the ones of leg/knee/ankle disorder were repetition of 14 persons(60.9%) and awkward posture of 9 persons(39.1%).

To conclude, risk factor of WMSDs was awkward posture, being at the first rank, but it was found that the WMSDs are due to combined risk factors of repetition, exertion force, etc.

Therefore, It is necessary at the workplace to extend the safety and health training to have the workers keep right posture and recognize the risk factors of WMSDs as the measure to control the WMSDs-occurring factors, and the results of this study may be used by the Occupational Health Service Organization as the basic

information to prevent work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
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