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청소년 비만실태 및 비만청소년의 건강행위실천 : 2007년 청소년 건강행태 온라인 조사를 중심으로

Other Titles
 The obesity of adolescent and health practice of obese adolescents 
Issue Date
[한글]본 연구는 청소년의 비만 실태를 알아보고 비만과 건강행위실천과의 관련성을 파악하여 이를 토대로 가정과 학교에서 비만예방 및 체계적인 관리를 위한 건강증진 프로그램을 개발하는데 기초자료로 제공하고자 시도되었다. 연구대상은 『2007년 청소년 건강행태 온라인 조사』에 참여한 중고등학교에 재학 중인 학생들 중 총 73,392명(남학생 38,782명, 여학생 34,610명)을 분석하였다. 체질량지수(BMI)가 25 Kg/㎡이상인 경우 ‘비만’, 25 Kg/㎡ 미만인 경우 ‘정상’으로 정하였고, 'Alameda 7'을 기준으로 하여 식습관, 운동, 아침식사, 수면시간, 흡연상태, 음주상태를 6개의 건강행위실천항목으로 정하였다. 통계분석은 남녀별로 구분하여 시행하였고, SAS 9.1 version을 이용하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 연구대상자의 전체 비만율은 9.1%로 남학생은 12.4%, 여학생은 5.4% 였고, 학년이 높을수록, 아버지 학력과 어머니 학력이 낮을수록, 학업성적과 경제수준이 낮을수록 남녀 모두 비만율이 높았다. 비만은 아침식사일수 및 우유섭취빈도를 제외한 식습관영역, 신체활동영역, 정신보건영역과 관련이 있었다. 비만과 관련된 건강행위실천항목은 남학생은 식습관, 운동, 수면시간이었고, 여학생은 식습관이었다. 남학생 비만군은 식습관 건강행위, 운동 비건강행위, 수면시간 비건강행위에서 실천율이 높았고, 여학생 비만군은 식습관 건강행위에서 실천율이 높았으며, 남녀모두 비만군이 정상군보다 건강행위실천개수가 많았다. 일반적 특성의 하위군별로 비만여부에 따른 건강행위실천개수의 차이를 비교한 결과 남학생은 학업성적이 높은 경우와 경제수준이 높은 경우, 여학생은 부모학력이 낮은 경우, 학업성적이 높은 경우와 경제수준이 높은 경우 정상군과 비만군 간에 건강행위실천개수의 차이가 없었고, 그 외 하위군내에서는 비만군이 정상군보다 건강행위실천개수가 더 많았다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 청소년 비만예방 및 관리 프로그램은 건강행위실천과 연계하여 개발하고 성별과 일반적 특성을 고려하여 적용해야 한다. 특히 남학생 비만군, 학업성적이 높은 비만군, 경제수준이 높은 비만군과 부모학력이 낮은 여학생 비만군을 우선순위 집단으로 선정하여 건강행위실천을 권고하고 비만관리의 필요성에 대해 중점을 두고 중재해야 한다

[영문]This study was carried out to provide the basic basis for developing health improvement program which can facilitate the prevention and systematic management of obesity at home and school by considering the current obesity of adolescents and determining the relation between obesity and health practice. For that, 73,392 students (38,782 male students and 34,610 female students) were analyzed who were currently attending middle and high school and participated in the online survey on the health behaviors of adolescents in 2007. Those with body mass index(BMI) over 25 Kg/㎡ were classified into obese category, while those with body mass index(BMI) below 25 Kg/㎡ were classified into normal category. 6 healthy behavioral practice items were determined based on Alameda 7, which consisted of the eating habit, exercise, breakfast, sleeping hours, smoking condition, and drinking condition. The statistical analysis was conducted separately for men and women, and SAS 9.1 Version was used. The major findings of this study were like this: The overall obesity rate of research subjects was 9.1%, and the obesity rate of male students was 12.4%, and the obesity rate of female students was 5.4%. The obesity rate was higher in higher grades. The lower the education background of father and mother was, the higher the obesity rate was. And the lower test scores and economic status were, the higher the obesity rate was among both men and women. It was found that obesity was related to the number of days that the breakfast was taken, the eating habit except the frequency of milk intake, the scope of physical activity, and the scope of mental health. Easting habit, exercise, and sleeping hours were the ‘health practice item’ relating to obesity among male students, while eating habit was the ‘health practice item’ relating to obesity among female students. Obese male students had higher rate of practice in the eating habit health behavior, exercise nonhealth behavior, sleeping hours nonhealth behavior, while obese female students had higher rate of practice in the eating habit health behavior. Both male and female obese group had more health practice than normal group. The comparison of the difference in the number of health practice, depending on the obesity by sub-group in the general characteristics indicated that there was no difference in the health practice between the normal group and the obese group for male students who had high test scores and economic status and female students whose parents have low education background and who had high test scores and economic status. Other subgroups had more health practice than normal group. Based on the aforesaid results, obesity prevention and management program for adolescents need to be developed in connection with health practice and take general characteristics into account when applied. Specifically, the male obese group, obese group with high test scores, and obese group with high economic status, the female obese group with low education background of parents should be selected as the priority group to recommend health practice and stress the necessity for obesity management.
Appears in Collections:
4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 2. Thesis
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