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우리나라 사업장 작업환경측정 및 허용기준 초과현황

Other Titles
 Analysis of Overviews of Working Environment Measurement and its Results in Korean Industry 
Issue Date

이 연구는 산업안전보건법에 의하여 사업장에서 실시하는 작업환경측정과 그 결과에대한 현황을 분석하여 업종별 작업환경측정 평가 결과에 따른 사업장 환경관리의 적절한 대처안을 모색하는 등 행정의 기초 자료를 제공하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다, 노동부의 작업

환경측정관자료, 서울 경기, 충청지역 작업환경 측정기관 3개소의 작업환경측정 결과자료 및 사업체 노동실태 조사보고서를 이용하여 전국의 5인 이상 사업장을 업종별 ,규모별, 지역별로 나누고 각각의 자별 허용기준 초과사업장의 분포를 분석하였다.

그 결과 허용기준초과사업장 5,937개소중 50인 미만 소규모 사업장이 3,150개소로 전체의 53.0%였으며 50-299인 규모의 사업장은 2,248개소로 37.9%, 그리고 300인 이상 사업장은 539개소로 9.1%였다. 업종별로는 조립금속제품 제조업, 섬유제품 제조업이 각각 1,048개소 (17.7%), 1,018개소 (17.1%)로 가장 많았으며 지역별로는 경기지역이 1,679개소(28.3%)로가장 많고 그 다음은 대구 경북지역 1,417개소(23.9%) 순이었다. 초과사업장의 유해인자로는 소음이 5,160개소(86.9%), 분진이 1,245개소(21.0%), 유개용제가 130개소(7.9%) 순이었으며 초과 사업장당 평균 초과건수는 1.20 건이었으며 사업장 규모가 클수록 초과유해인자가 많았으며 소음, 유기용제, 중금속 등의 초과율이 높았다.

섬유제품 제조업, 목재, 나무 및 나무제품 제조업, 펄프, 종이 및 종이제품 제조업, 조립금속제품, 제조업, 전기기계 및 전기변환장치 제조업, 영상음향 통신장비 제조업, 자동차 트레일러 제조업, 가구 및 기타 제조업에 있어서는 유해요인 초과사업장중 90%이상이 소음초과였으며, 기타운송장비 제조업에 있어서는 초과 사업장중 48.3%가 광업은 44.2%, 제1차 금속산업은 42.9%, 기계장비 제조업은 35.2%, 유리 및 유리제품 제조업은 31.2%, 목재 나무 및 나무제품 제조업은 26.3%가 분진초과였다. 유기용제 초과의 경우는 가

죽, 가방, 마구류 및 신발 제조업(57.5%), 인쇄, 출판 및 복제업(42.0%), 화합물 및 화학제품 제조업(23.3%)의 순이었으며 중금속초과의 경우는 운수창고 통신업(28.9%), 전기기계 및 전기변환장치 제조업(5.9%), 기타 운송장비 제조업(5.6%)의 순이었다.

측정기관 3개소의 1994년도 측정사업장은 1,596개소 이었으며 이중 허용기준 초과사업장은 157개소로 9.8%이었으며 50인 미만 사업장은 1,064개 소중 190개소(17.9%), 50-299인은 463개소중 127개소 (27.9%)가, 300인 이상은 69개소중 31개소(44.9%)로 규모가 클수록 초과율이 높았다. 초과율이 가장 높은 업종은 제1차 금속산업으로 53개소중 20개소(37.7%)가 초과하였으며, 펄프, 종이 및 종이제품 제조업은 40개소중 14개소 (35.0%)가 초과하였다.

초과사업장과 초과율로 추정한 1993년도 작업환경측정사업장은 30,474개소이었으며 이를 1993년도 사업장 노동실태조사보고서상의 업종별 사업장수로 나누어 추정한 작업환경 측정 실시율은 34.3% 이었다.

이 연구결과에서 펄프, 종이, 종이제품 제조업과 달리 분류되지 않는 기계장비 제조업 그리고 전기기계 및 변환장치 제조업에서는 허용기준 초과율이 타 업종에 비해 높은 반면측정 실시율이 낮았으며 제1차 금속산업에서는 측정실시율과 허용기준초과율이 동시에 높

음을 알 수 있었다. 이들 업종에서는 사업주의 자발적인 작업환경실태 파악 및 작업환경의 개선 등 이에 대한인식이 제고되고 효율적인 관리방안의 수립 시행이 필요할 것으로 보인다. 결론적으로 이연구결과는 우리나라 작업환경측정에 대한 연구가 일부 업종, 특정

업종에 대해 국한되어주로 연구가 이루어진데 비해 우리나라 대부분의 업종, 특히 제조업에 대해 평가를 했다는데 그 의미를 부여할 수 있겠으나 향후 측정건수 및 초과건수단위의 분석과 작업장내의 유해인자 분포 및 측정에 따른 초과정도 등에 대한 연구가 계속 이루어져야 할 것으로 생각된다.


The subject of this study was to analyse overviews of companies which exceed TLV by industry, hazardous factors and to estimate the numbers of companies measured in 1993 and the implementation rate of working environment measurement by the act of industrial safety and health. To accomplish the purpose of this study the data of internal materials of ministry of labour with respect to

working environment measurement, of materials measured in 3 institutes and survey report establishment labour conditions published by ministry of labour was input and statistically analysed.

The result of this study was as follow:

1. The number of cases which exceed TLV was 5,937 companies. In distribution of excess companies by the scale of workers, small scale cases under the 49 workers were 3,150 companies(53.0%) of total cases, medium scale cases between 50-299 workers were 2,248 companies(37.9%), and large scale cases over 300 workers were

539 companies (9.1%). By the industry of excess companies, it was marked high rate in manufacture of fabricated metal products(except machinery and equipment), manufature of textiles of each 1,048 companies(17.7%), and 1,018 companies (17.1%).

By the area of excess companies, it was shown high rate in Kyeongki area marked 1,679 companies(28.3%) and Daegu-Kyeongbuk area were marked 1,417 companies (23.9%). By the hazardous factors of excess companies, noise was recorded high rate in 5,160 companies(86.9%). dust was shown in 1,245 companies(21.0%), organic solvent was marked 130 companies(7.9%). The number of excess factors by the company was 1.2. In this result, the more it was bigger scale companies, the more excess factors were much more., and the more it was recorded higher rate in noise.

organic solvent. heavy metals, etc. Indistribution of excess companies by industry and hazardous factors, excess cases of noise were recorded over 90% of totals in manufacture of textiles, manufacture of wood and of product of wood and cork, manufacture of pulp, paper product, manufacture of fabricared metal products (except machinary and equipment), manufacture of electrical machinary and apparatus, manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment and apparatus, manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, and

manufacture of furniture and manufacturing n.e.c., excess cases of dust were marked 48.3% in manufacture of other transport equipment, 44.2% in mining and quarrying, 42.9% in manufacture of basic matals, 35.2% in manufacture of machinary and equipment n.e.c., 31.2% in manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products, 26.3% in manufacture of wood and of product of wood and cork, excess cases of organic solvents were shown 57.5% in tanning and dressing of leather ; manufacture of luggage. handbag, and footwear, 23.3% in manufacture of chemicals and chemical products, excess cases of heavy metals were marked

28.9% in transport, storage and communications, 5.9% in manufacture of electrical machinary and apparatus 5.6% in manufacture of other transport equipment.

2. The measured cases in 3 institutes during 1994 were 1,596 companies, and excess cases were 157 companies(9.8%) among them. By the scale of workers. small scale cases under the 49 workers were 190 companies(17.9%) among 1,064 companies. cases of medium scale cases between 50-299 workers were 127 companies(27.9%) among 463 companies. and large scale cases over 300 workers

were 31 companies (44.9%) among 69 companies. In the result industry of the highest rate shown was manufacture of basic matals in 20 companies exceeded among 53 companies(37.7%), and was manufacture of pulp, paper productin in 14 companies

exceeded among 40 companies(35.0%), and the excess rates were high in bigger scale.

3. Companies estimated by the data of excess cases and excess rate in 1993 were 30,474, implementation rate estimated for measurement of working environment was 34.3% of companies in Korean industry. In this result, it was comparatively shown

of measurement rate for the working environment in manufacture of pulp, paper product, manufacture of of machinary and equipment n.e.c., and of high measurement rate and excess rate in manufacture of electrical machinary and apparatus, and manufacture of basic metals.
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4. Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) > 2. Thesis
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