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Showing results 32348 to 32367 of 80591

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2017M2 macrophages induced by mesenchymal stem cells provide an anti-inflammatory milieu that induces regulatory T cells in collagen-induced mice Thesis
2017M2 Phenotype Microglia-derived Cytokine Stimulates Proliferation and Neuronal Differentiation of Endogenous Stem Cells in Ischemic Brain EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY
2023Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Treatment Outcomes of Oropharyngeal Cancer After Surgery Korean Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
2023Machine Learning Algorithms Predict Successful Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation Before Intubation: Retrospective Analysis From the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care IV Database JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH
2022Machine learning and magnetic resonance imaging radiomics for predicting human papilloma virus status and prognostic factors in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomaHEAD AND NECK-JOURNAL FOR THE SCIENCES AND SPECIALTIES OF THE HEAD AND NECK
2020Machine learning and radiomic phenotyping of lower grade gliomas: improving survival predictionEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2020Machine Learning Applications in Endocrinology and Metabolism Research: An Overview Endocrinology and Metabolism (대한내분비학회지)
2021Machine Learning Approach for Active Vaccine Safety Monitoring JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2020Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Hearing Preservation in Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021Machine Learning Based Radiomic HPV Phenotyping of Oropharyngeal SCC: A Feasibility Study Using MRILARYNGOSCOPE
2022Machine learning based risk prediction for Parkinson's disease with nationwide health screening data SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020Machine learning based risk prediction model for asymptomatic individuals who underwent coronary artery calcium score: Comparison with traditional risk prediction approachesJOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY
2018Machine learning expert supporting system for diagnosis presumption of lymphoid neoplasms and histologically unclassifiable tumors using probabilistic decision tree algorithm and immunohistochemistry profile databaseDissertation
2023Machine Learning for Detecting Blood Transfusion Needs Using Biosignals Computer Systems Science & Engineering
2017Machine learning for prediction of all-cause mortality in patients with suspected coronary artery disease: a 5-year multicentre prospective registry analysis EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL
2021Machine Learning for the Prediction of Amyloid Positivity in Amnestic Mild Cognitive ImpairmentJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
2020Machine Learning Framework to Identify Individuals at Risk of Rapid Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis: From the PARADIGM Registry JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION
2022Machine Learning Improves the Prediction Rate of Non-Curative Resection of Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Patients with Early Gastric Cancer CANCERS
2021Machine learning in cardiovascular radiology: ESCR position statement on design requirements, quality assessment, current applications, opportunities, and challengesEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2020Machine learning insight into the role of imaging and clinical variables for the prediction of obstructive coronary artery disease and revascularization: An exploratory analysis of the CONSERVE study PLOS ONE

