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Showing results 7901 to 7920 of 78479

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2000Branemark 임플란트와 Avana 임플란트의 고정체와 지대주의 적합도, 풀림회전력과 상호호환성의 비교 Thesis
2022BRCA 1/2 Germline Mutation Predicts the Treatment Response of FOLFIRINOX with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma in Korean Patients CANCERS
2022BRCA mutational status shapes the stromal microenvironment of pancreatic cancer linking clusterin expression in cancer associated fibroblasts with HSF1 signaling NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2017BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation predictions using the BRCAPRO and Myriad models in Korean ovarian cancer patientsGYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2023BRCA1 deficiency in triple-negative breast cancer: Protein stability as a basis for therapy BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY
2024BRCA1 mutation promotes sprouting angiogenesis in inflammatory cancer-associated fibroblast of triple-negative breast cancer CELL DEATH DISCOVERY
2022BRCA1/2 변이를 가진 난소암 환자들의 가족 의사소통 과정과 영향요인에 대한 설문연구 Thesis
2018BRCA1/2-negative, high-risk breast cancers (BRCAX) for Asian women: genetic susceptibility loci and their potential impacts Scientific Reports
2008BRCA2 mutations as a universal risk factor for pancreatic cancer has a limited role in Korean ethnic groupPANCREAS
2017Breakfast consumption and depressive mood: A focus on socioeconomic statusAPPETITE
2014Breakfast eating patterns and the metabolic syndrome: the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2007-2009. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION
2015Breakpoint mapping by whole genome sequencing identifies PTH2R gene disruption in a patient with midline craniosynostosis and a de novo balanced chromosomal rearrangement. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS
2023Breakthroughs in the Systemic Treatment of HER2-Positive Advanced/Metastatic Gastric Cancer: From Singlet Chemotherapy to Triple CombinationJOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER
2020Breast and cervical cancer screening for risk assessment in Cambodian womenJOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY
2021Breast Arterial Calcification: A Potential Biomarker for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk?CURRENT ATHEROSCLEROSIS REPORTS
2015Breast Cancer Arising Adjacent to an Involuting Fibroadenoma: Serial Changes in Radiologic Features JOURNAL OF BREAST CANCER
2021Breast cancer awareness, risk factors and screening practices among future health professionals in Ghana: A cross-sectional study PLOS ONE
2017Breast Cancer Detected at Screening US: Survival Rates and Clinical-Pathologic and Imaging Factors Associated with RecurrenceRADIOLOGY
2007Breast cancer from the excisional scar of a benign mass KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2021Breast cancer molecular subtype prediction using radiomics signature on synthetic mammography from digital breast tomosynthesis Dissertation

