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Showing results 7881 to 7900 of 78479

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2016Brain Plasticity and Neurorestoration by Environmental Enrichment Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2011Brain plasticity induced by enriched environmentVascular Neurology
2017Brain regional iron contents in progressive supranuclear palsyPARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS
2015Brain somatic mutations in MTOR cause focal cortical dysplasia type II leading to intractable epilepsyNATURE MEDICINE
2018Brain Somatic Mutations in MTOR Disrupt Neuronal Ciliogenesis, Leading to Focal Cortical DyslaminationNEURON
2019Brain somatic mutations in MTOR reveal translational dysregulations underlying intractable focal epilepsyJOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION
2018Brain somatic mutations in SLC35A2 cause intractable epilepsy with aberrant N-glycosylationNEUROLOGY-GENETICS
2023Brain Tumor Classification by Methylation Profile JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2022Brain Tumor Rehabilitation: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment Strategy Brain & Neurorehabilitation
2023Brain volume in Tanzanian children with sickle cell anaemia: A neuroimaging studyBRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY
2022Brain-computer interface-based action observation combined with peripheral electrical stimulation enhances corticospinal excitability in healthy subjects and stroke patientsJOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING
2001Brain-derived neurotrophic factor가 도파민 함유 신경세포의 생존에 미치는 영향 Dissertation
2006Brain-specific angiogenesis inhibitor 2 regulates VEGF through GABP that acts as a transcriptional repressor FEBS LETTERS
2022BRAK and APRIL as novel biomarkers for ovarian tumorsBIOMARKERS IN MEDICINE
1998Branches of the vagus nerve destined for the heart and the adjoining great vessels in the house shrew, Suncus murinus, with reference to the terminology of the vagal cardiac branchesKaibogaku Zasshi. Journal of Anatomy
2007Branching Patterns and Intraosseous Course of the Mental NerveJOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2003Branching patterns and symemetry of the course of the facial artery in KoreansINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2006Branching patterns of the arterial branches supplying the middle vascular pedicle of the sternocleidomastoid muscle: a topographic anatomical study with surgical applications for the use of pedicles osteomuscular flapsSURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY
2004Branching patterns of the facial nerve and its communication with the auriculotemporal nerveSURGICAL AND RADIOLOGIC ANATOMY
2006Branching patterns of the infraorbital nerve and topography within the infraorbital spaceJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY

