Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Jae Gil

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Lee, Jae Gil [이재길]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Surgery (외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (35187320300)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 133

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023Comparison of mortality among hemorrhage-control methods performed for hemodynamically unstable patients with traumatic pelvic fractures: A multi-center study ASIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY
2022The Status of Protein Supply to Patients in the Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care Units and the Effects of Feedback on Protein Supply: A Multicenter Study Journal of Acute Care Surgery
2022Use of venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in trauma patients with severe adult respiratory distress syndrome: A retrospective studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS
2022Age-related changes in mean corpuscular volumes in patients without anaemia: An analysis of large-volume data from a single institute JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2022Management of Traumatic Duodenal Injuries: A Report from a Single-Center Journal of Acute Care Surgery
2021A nomogram to predict arterial bleeding in patients with pelvic fractures after blunt trauma: a retrospective cohort study JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND RESEARCH
202010 Years of Acute Care Surgery: Experiences in a Single Tertiary University Hospital in Korea Journal of Acute Care Surgery
2020The Effectiveness of Simulation Training in an Advanced Trauma Life Support Program for General Surgery Residents: A Pilot Study Journal of the Korean Association Traumatology (대한외상학회지)
2019Management of an Open Abdomen Considering Trauma and Abdominal Sepsis: A Single-Center Experience Journal of Acute Care Surgery
2019Association of Initial Low Serum Selenium Level with Infectious Complications and 30-Day Mortality in Multiple Trauma Patients Nutrients
2019Early Predictive Values for Severe Rhabdomyolysis in Blunt Trauma Journal of the Korean Association Traumatology (대한외상학회지)
2019Usefulness of Shock Index to Predict outcomes of Trauma Patient: a retrospective Cohort Study Journal of the Korean Association Traumatology (대한외상학회지)
2019Laparoscopic appendectomy versus open appendectomy for suspected appendicitis during pregnancy: a systematic review and updated meta-analysis BMC SURGERY
2019Antibiotic use in patients with abdominal injuries: guideline by the Korean Society of Acute Care Surgery ANNALS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT AND RESEARCH
2018비만이 외과 중환자에서 30일 사망률에 미치는 영향 Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2018외과환자에서 시행된 침상옆 초음파 이용 시술 경험 Journal of Surgical Ultrasound
2018Factors predicting the need for hemorrhage control intervention in patients with blunt pelvic trauma: a retrospective study BMC SURGERY
2018Association of Inadequate Caloric Supplementation with 30-Day Mortality in Critically Ill Postoperative Patients with High Modified NUTRIC Score. NUTRIENTS
2018Prevalence of Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients: a Multicenter Cross-sectional Study JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2018Antibiotic duration can be shortened in postoperative intra-abdominal infection JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2018Predictors of early weaning failure from mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients after emergency gastrointestinal surgery: A retrospective study MEDICINE
2018Severe persistent hypocholesterolemia after emergency gastrointestinal surgery predicts in-hospital mortality in critically ill patients with diffuse peritonitis PLOS ONE
2018Addition of lactic acid levels improves the accuracy of quick sequential organ failure assessment in predicting mortality in surgical patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: a retrospective study WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY
2017A Global Declaration on Appropriate Use of Antimicrobial Agents across the Surgical PathwaySURGICAL INFECTIONS
20172017 update of the WSES guidelines for emergency repair of complicated abdominal wall hernias WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY
2017The Global Alliance for Infections in Surgery: defining a model for antimicrobial stewardship-results from an international cross-sectional survey WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY
2017The management of intra-abdominal infections from a global perspective: 2017 WSES guidelines for management of intra-abdominal infections WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY
2017Characteristics and Outcomes of Trauma Patients via Emergency Medical Services Journal of Trauma and Injury
2017External Iliac Artery Transection Managed by Iliofemoral Bypass Grafting Using Temporary Balloon Occlusion Journal of Trauma and Injury
2017Hyporesponsiveness of natural killer cells and impaired inflammatory responses in critically ill patients BMC IMMUNOLOGY
2017A Case of Traumatic Cervical Braun–Sequard Syndrome Journal of Trauma and Injury
2017Management of Perirectal Laceration without Fecal Diversion: A Case Report Journal of Trauma and Injury
2017A nomogram predicting the need for abdominal and pelvic computed tomography in blunt trauma patients: A retrospective cohort studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY
2017생체전기임피던스 측정법을 이용한 외과 중환자의 체성분 변화 양상 Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition
2017Serum oxygen radical activity and total antioxidation capacity are related with severities of surgical patient with sepsis: Prospective pilot studyJOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE
2016Time to Surgery and Injury Severity Score Journal of Trauma and Injury
2016Management of Thoracic Aortic Injury after Blunt Trauma: Nine Cases at a Single Medical Center Journal of Trauma and Injury
2016Prevalences of Incidental Findings in Trauma Patients by Abdominal and Pelvic Computed Tomography Journal of Trauma and Injury
2016Early enteral nutrition still has advantages in patients undergoing pancreaticoduodenectomy JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2016Hyperchloremia is associated with 30-day mortality in major trauma patients: a retrospective observational study SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION & EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2016Perioperative risk factors for in-hospital mortality after emergency gastrointestinal surgery MEDICINE
2016내과 환자의 섭취량/배설량 측정법 비교 연구 Clinical Nursing Research (임상간호연구)
2016Effect of Immune-Enhancing Enteral Nutrition Enriched with or without Beta-Glucan on Immunomodulation in Critically Ill Patients. NUTRIENTS
2016Exploration of Fluid Dynamics in Perioperative Patients Using Bioimpedance AnalysisJOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY
2016A case of small bowel obstruction after large mesenteric hematoma in blunt abdominal traumaJOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND ACUTE CARE SURGERY
2015외상 환자에서의 혈중 알코올 농도와 임상 관련 인자간의 관계 Journal of Trauma and Injury
2015외상 센터에서의 외상 진료 시스템 도입에 따른 변화: 단일 외상 센터에서의 초기 경험 Journal of Trauma and Injury
2015경장영양액의 분류 및 적용 Surgical Metabolism and Nutrition
2015Global validation of the WSES Sepsis Severity Score for patients with complicated intra-abdominal infections: A prospective multicentre study (WISS Study) WORLD JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY SURGERY
2015단일 기관에서의 자상 환자 관리 경험 Journal of Acute Care Surgery

