Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kimm, Heejin

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Kimm, Heejin [김희진]
Department :
Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원) - Graduate School of Public Health (보건대학원)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (35078912400)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 82

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023가향담배 사용경험의 연령 및 성별 차이에 대한 질적 연구 Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco(대한금연학회지)
2023Metabolic changes preceding bladder cancer occurrence among Korean men: a nested case-control study from the KCPS-II cohort CANCER & METABOLISM
20232019년 청소년 흡연 및 음주양상에 대한 질적연구 Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco(대한금연학회지)
2023액상형 전자담배 사용자의 가향제품 여부에 따른 무니코틴 및 니코틴 농도별 액상사용 양상 Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco(대한금연학회지)
2023우리나라 노인의 거동 불편 시 노인요양시설 거주의향 관련 특성: 전기 노인과 후기 노인의 비교 Health Policy and Management(보건행정학회지)
2023JUUL preference among Korean adult tobacco users and its effect on attempts to quit tobacco: A follow-up survey four months post JUUL launch TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES
2023Do Weight Changes Affect the Association between Smoking Cessation and the Risk of Stroke Subtypes in Korean Males? INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2023Associations Between Korean Coronary Heart Disease Risk Score and Cognitive Function in Dementia-Free Korean Older Adults JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2023Prognostic value of resting heart rate in predicting undiagnosed diabetes in adults: Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2008–2018 NUTRITION METABOLISM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES
2022Prediction of cancer survivors' mortality risk in Korea: a 25-year nationwide prospective cohort study EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH
2022Overall quit in triple users of conventional cigarette, e-cigarette and heated tobacco product among healthy adults: a Korea Medical Institute health check-up study BMJ OPEN
2022Associations between depressed mood with negative health behaviors of Koreans during the COVID-19 pandemic Journal of the Korea Convergence Society(한국융합학회논문지)
2022주류광고 노출 채널에 따른 청소년의 음주 양상Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion(보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2021Relationship Between Changes in Sedentary Time, Physical Activity, and Body Mass Index During the COVID-19 Pandemic in KoreaASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2021Genotypes of Blastocystis sp. among elderly health checkup people in South Korea with a questionnaire on risk factorsPARASITOLOGY RESEARCH
2021Association between domain-specific physical activity and diabetes in Korean adults SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021Heated tobacco product use and its relationship to quitting combustible cigarettes in Korean adults PLOS ONE
2021Association of the Risk of Osteoarthritis and Hypertension in the Korean Adult Population Aged 40-59 in Pre- and Postmenopausal Women: Using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2012-2016 Data INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
2020청소년의 아르바이트 경험과 흡연의 관련성: 2017년 청소년건강행태조사 자료를 이용하여 Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (대한금연학회지)
2020우리나라 고혈압 환자의 병원급 의료기관 외래이용 관련 요인: 한국의료패널자료(2010-2016)를 이용하여 Health Policy and Management (보건행정학회지)
2020인지기능에 비만 역설은 존재하는가?: 고령화연구패널자료(2006–2016)를 이용하여 Health Policy and Management (보건행정학회지)
2020PRECEDE 모형에 기반한 119구급대원의감염관리 수행 관련 요인 분석 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medical Technology (한국응급구조학회논문지)
2020Analysis of Association of Occupational Physical Activity, Leisure-Time Physical Activity, and Sedentary Lifestyle with Hypertension according to the Adherence with Aerobic Activity in Women Using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2016-2017 Data INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION
2020Effect of Aerobic Physical Activity on Health-Related Quality of Life in Middle Aged Women with Osteoarthritis: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2017) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020Causal Associations Between Serum Bilirubin Levels and Decreased Stroke Risk: A Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY
2019Changes in secondhand smoke exposure levels and risk of type 2 diabetes in middle age: the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KoGES) BMJ OPEN DIABETES RESEARCH & CARE
2019당뇨병 유병자 중 혈당 미조절군의 주관적 건강인식 관련 요인: 제4-6기 국민건강영양조사 자료(2007-2015)를 중심으로 Health Policy and Management (보건행정학회지)
2019Relationship of Estimated GFR and Albuminuria to Concurrent Laboratory Abnormalities: An Individual Participant Data Meta-analysis in a Global Consortium AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES
2019Bilirubin and risk of ischemic heart disease in Korea: a two-sample Mendelian randomization study EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH
2018Relationship between binge drinking experience and suicide attempts in Korean adolescents: based on the 2013 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey EPIDEMIOLOGY AND HEALTH
2018Cohort Profile: The Korean Cancer Prevention Study-II (KCPS-II) BiobankINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY
2018The J-curve between Diastolic Blood Pressure and Risk of All-cause and Cardiovascular Death KOREAN CIRCULATION JOURNAL
2017Association Between Obesity and Chronic Kidney Disease, Defined by Both Glomerular Filtration Rate and Albuminuria, in Korean AdultsMETABOLIC SYNDROME AND RELATED DISORDERS
2017Measures of chronic kidney disease and risk of incident peripheral artery disease: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual participant dataLANCET DIABETES & ENDOCRINOLOGY
2017Practice Patterns Regarding Multidisciplinary Cancer Management and Suggestions for Further Refinement: Results from a National Survey in Korea CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2017청소년 흡연자의 금연 시도와 전자담배 사용Journal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion(보건교육·건강증진학회지)
2016한국 남녀 대학생과 성인 남성 직장인 현재흡연자의 멘톨담배 사용 관련요인 Journal of the Korean Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (대한금연학회지)
2016Association of resting heart rate and hypertension stages on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality among elderly Koreans: the Kangwha Cohort Study JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC CARDIOLOGY
2016Usual alcohol consumption and suicide mortality among the Korean elderly in rural communities: Kangwha Cohort Study JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH
2016초등학생의 결핵 예방교육 후 지식, 태도 및 예방행위에 대한 지속성 연구 Journal of the Korean Society of School Health (한국학교보건학회지)
2016E-cigarettes, conventional cigarettes, and dual use in Korean adolescents and university students: Prevalence and risk factorsDRUG AND ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE
2015The ACC/AHA 2013 pooled cohort equations compared to a Korean Risk Prediction Model for atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseaseATHEROSCLEROSIS
2015A Meta-analysis of the Association of Estimated GFR, Albuminuria, Age, Race, and Sex With Acute Kidney InjuryAMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES
2015Screening Prostate-specific Antigen Concentration and Prostate Cancer Mortality: The Korean Heart StudyUROLOGY
2015Caste- and ethnicity-based inequalities in HIV/AIDS-related knowledge gap: a case of NepalHEALTH & SOCIAL WORK
2015The relationship between employment status and self-rated health among wage workers in South Korea: the moderating role of household incomeHEALTH & SOCIAL WORK
2014영유아 건강검진 완전수검 여부 관련 요인 Korean Journal of Health Policy and Administration (보건행정학회지)
20142012년 흡연으로 인한 건강보험 진료비 추정 연구 Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics (보건정보통계학회지)
2014Combined effects of smoking and bilirubin levels on the risk of lung cancer in Korea: the severance cohort study. PLOS ONE

