Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Hyunki

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Kim, Hyunki [김현기]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Pathology (병리학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (55767130300)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 167

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Open-Label, Multicenter, Randomized, Biomarker-Integrated Umbrella Trial for Second-Line Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer: K-Umbrella Gastric Cancer StudyJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2024Second-line chemoimmunotherapy with nivolumab and paclitaxel in immune-related biomarker-enriched advanced gastric cancer: a multicenter phase Ib/II studyGASTRIC CANCER
2023Prior antibiotic administration disrupts anti-PD-1 responses in advanced gastric cancer by altering the gut microbiome and systemic immune response CELL REPORTS MEDICINE
2023Prognostic Significance of ARID1A Expression Patterns Varies with Molecular Subtype in Advanced Gastric Cancer GUT AND LIVER
2023Wnt/β-catenin pathway is a key signaling pathway to trastuzumab resistance in gastric cancer cells BMC CANCER
2023Sample Collection Methods in Upper Gastrointestinal Research JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2023Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes and survival after adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with gastric cancer: post-hoc analysis of the CLASSIC trial BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER
2023Trastuzumab Combined With Ramucirumab and Paclitaxel in Patients With Previously Treated Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2–Positive Advanced Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction CancerJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Preclinical investigation of patient- derived cervical cancer organoids for precision medicine JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGIC ONCOLOGY
2023Clinical molecular subtyping reveals intrinsic mesenchymal reprogramming in gastric cancer cells EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2023Albumin, filamin-A and cytokeratin 19 help distinguish intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma from extrahepatic adenocarcinomaHEPATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2023A standardized pathology report for gastric cancer: 2nd edition JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE
2023A Standardized Pathology Report for Gastric Cancer: 2nd Edition JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER
2023Helicobacter pylori promotes epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by downregulating CK2β in gastric cancer cellsBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE
2022Determinants of clinical outcomes of gastric cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy: a sub-analysis of the PRODIGY studyGASTRIC CANCER
2022A single arm phase Ib/II trial of first-line pembrolizumab, trastuzumab and chemotherapy for advanced HER2-positive gastric cancer NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2022Hyperprogressive disease during PD-1 blockade in patients with advanced gastric cancerEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER
2022Probe-Based Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy versus White-Light Endoscopy with Narrow-Band Imaging for Predicting and Collecting Residual Cancer Tissue in Patients with Gastric Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy CANCERS
2022Salivary gland organoid culture maintains distinct glandular properties of murine and human major salivary glands NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2022Multicenter phase Ib/II study of second-line trastuzumab, ramucirumab, and paclitaxel in patients with HER2-positive advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction cancer: Updated HER-RAM study with biomarker analysisJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2022Development and validation of a prognostic and predictive 32-gene signature for gastric cancer NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2022Single-cell analysis of gastric pre-cancerous and cancer lesions reveals cell lineage diversity and intratumoral heterogeneity NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY
2021Microsatellite Instability and Effectiveness of Adjuvant Treatment in pT1N1 Gastric Cancer: A Multicohort StudyANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2021Prognostic significance of T-cell-inflamed gene expression profile and PD-L1 expression in patients with esophageal cancer CANCER MEDICINE
2021Development and validation of deep learning classifiers to detect Epstein-Barr virus and microsatellite instability status in gastric cancer: a retrospective multicentre cohort studyLANCET DIGITAL HEALTH
2021Single patient classifier as a prognostic biomarker in pT1N1 gastric cancer: Results from two large Korean cohorts CHINESE JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH
2021CDX-1/CDX-2 Expression Is a Favorable Prognostic Factor in Epstein-Barr Virus-Negative, Mismatch Repair-Proficient Advanced Gastric Cancers GUT AND LIVER
2021PRODIGY: A Phase III Study of Neoadjuvant Docetaxel, Oxaliplatin, and S-1 Plus Surgery and Adjuvant S-1 Versus Surgery and Adjuvant S-1 for Resectable Advanced Gastric CancerJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2021Modeling Clinical Responses to Targeted Therapies by Patient-Derived Organoids of Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2021Daytime Glycemic Variability and Frailty in Older Patients with Diabetes: a Pilot Study Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2021Prevalence of cancer susceptibility variants in patients with multiple Lynch syndrome related cancers SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021Prognostic effect of perineural invasion in surgically treated esophageal squamous cell carcinoma THORACIC CANCER
2021Clinicopathologic Features of Submucosal Papillary Gastric Cancer Differ from Those of Other Differentiated-Type Histologies GUT AND LIVER
2021p16 methylation is a potential predictive marker for abemaciclib sensitivity in gastric cancerBIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY
2020Reply to: "Stereotactic body radiation therapy vs. radiofrequency ablation for HCC: More questions than answersJOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY
2020Prospective study of oncologic outcomes after laparoscopic modified complete mesocolic excision for non-metastatic right colon cancer (PIONEER study): study protocol of a multicentre single-arm trial BMC CANCER
2020The Suggestion of Revised Criteria for Endoscopic Resection of Differentiated-Type Submucosal Gastric CancerANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2019Clinical Implications of Microsatellite Instability in Early Gastric Cancer JOURNAL OF GASTRIC CANCER
2019Inter-observer Reproducibility in the Pathologic Diagnosis of Gastric Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Early Carcinoma in Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection Specimens: A Multi-center Study CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2019Mesothelin Expression Is a Predictive Factor for Peritoneal Recurrence in Curatively Resected Stage III Gastric CancerONCOLOGIST
2019Microsatellite Instability and Programmed Cell Death-Ligand 1 Expression in Stage II/III Gastric Cancer: Post Hoc Analysis of the CLASSIC Randomized Controlled studyANNALS OF SURGERY
2019Detection of Helicobacter pylori with clarithromycin resistance-associated mutations using peptide nucleic acid probe-based melting point analysisHELICOBACTER
2019Immunohistochemistry Biomarkers Predict Survival in Stage II/III Gastric Cancer Patients: From a Prospective Clinical Trial Cancer Research and Treatment
2019Phase II trial of preoperative sequential chemotherapy followed by chemoradiotherapy for high-risk gastric cancerRADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY
2019Role of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy-targeted biopsy in the molecular and histopathological study of gastric cancerJOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2018Microsatellite instability test using peptide nucleic acid probe-mediated melting point analysis: a comparison study BMC CANCER
2018MET in gastric cancer with liver metastasis: The relationship between MET amplification and Met overexpression in primary stomach tumors and liver metastasis.JOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2018Prospective Single Arm Study on the Effect of Ilaprazole in Patients with Heartburn but No Reflux Esophagitis YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2018Inhibition of Wntless/GPR177 suppresses gastric tumorigenesis BMB REPORTS
2018Predictive test for chemotherapy response in resectable gastric cancer: a multi-cohort, retrospective analysisLANCET ONCOLOGY

