Browsing by Yonsei Author : Song, Kyung Soon

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Song, Kyung Soon [송경순]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Laboratory Medicine (진단검사의학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 24 of 24

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2011The gene expression profile of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in children with Henoch-Schönlein purpuraBRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY
2007Investigation of von Willebrand factor gene mutations in Korean von Willebrand disease patients KOREAN JOURNAL OF LABORATORY MEDICINE
2007Anti-PF4/Heparin 항체 양성의 헤파린 유도 혈소판감소증 1예 Korean Journal of Hematology
2006늑막삼출과 주변 림프절 침범이 동반된 다발성골수종 1예 Korean Journal of Hematology
2006High incidence of plasma factor XII deficiency in normal Korean subjectsTHROMBOSIS RESEARCH
2006Plasma level of IL-6 and its relationship to procoagulant and fibrinolytic markers in acute ischemic stroke YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2006Novel monoclonal antibody that recognizes new neoantigenic determinant of D-dimerTHROMBOSIS RESEARCH
2006Plasma factor XIII activity in patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2006Effect of Plasma Exchange on the Circulating IL-6 Levels in a Patient With Fatal Hemophagocytic Syndrome Associated With Bile DuctopeniaTHERAPEUTIC APHERESIS AND DIALYSIS
2006Mean peroxidase index as a potential marker for neonatal infectionPEDIATRIC INFECTIOUS DISEASE JOURNAL
2006A novel fibrinogen variant (fibrinogen Seoul II; AαGln328Pro) characterized by impaired fibrin α-chain cross-linking BLOOD
2005Changes of platelet parameters determined by the Bayer ADVIA™ 120 with EDTA sample agePLATELETS
2005Homozygous type I Protein C deficiency in neonatal purpura fulminans with a novel frame-shift deletion of 10 base pairs in exon 8 of PROC geneJOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS
2005Upstream regulation of matrix metalloproteinase by EMMPRIN; extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer in advanced atherosclerotic plaqueATHEROSCLEROSIS
2005Isolation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells from Cord Blood and Induction of Differentiation by Ex Vivo Expansion YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2004혈액학검사 신빙도조사 결과보고 (2003) Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance (임상검사와 정도관리)
2004진단유전학분과 신빙도조사 결과보고 (2003) Journal of Laboratory Medicine and Quality Assurance (임상검사와 정도관리)
1998골수이형성 증후군과 Epstein-Barr Virus 및 Human Parvovirus B19 감염의 관련성 검토 Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology (대한임상병리학회지)
1998상대적 게놈 보합법(Comparative Genomic Hybridization, CGH)으로 확인된 1번 염색체 장완부 일부에서 중복 및 삼중복 염색체 이상을 보인 골수 이형성 증후군 1례 Korean Journal of Hematology (대한혈액학회지)
1997산전 태아 이상 선별 검사인 Triple Marker의 유용성Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology (대한임상병리학회지)
1996만성 신부전 환자에서 혈액투석 전후의 혈장 von Willebrand factor 항원 변화Korean Journal of Hematosis and Thrombosis(한국지혈혈전학회지)
1996건강인에서 연령,성별 및 ABO 혈액형에 따른 혈장 von Willebrand Factor 항원 농도의 차이Korean Journal of Hematosis and Thrombosis(한국지혈혈전학회지)
1995중합효소연쇄반응법에 의한 B형 간염바이러스 DNA 검출과 혈청학적 지표의 비교 검토 Korean Journal of Clinical Pathology(대한임상병리학회지)

