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早期 破膜

Other Titles
 Spontaneous premature rupture of membrane. 
Issue Date


Because of the importance of the subject of "Spontaneous premature rupture of embrane and the controversy about it's frequency in total deliverier, dry labor and infection, a clinical study of spontaneous premature rupture of membrane has been carried out. 198 case of "Spontaneous premature rupture of membrane" was seen at Yonsei University Hospital between February, 1959 and July 1962.

In these clinical observations, the author's attention was especially directed to the incidence, lengths of labor, delivery method, and the effect on the mother and fetus.

The result obtained are as follows.

1) Incidence in total deliveries was 12.3%. The incidence in primipare (15%) was relatively higher than multipara (10.8%).

2) Among those delivering mature babies the rate among primipara and multipara was 14.4% and 8.4% respectively.

The higher incidence of "Spontaneous premature rupture of membrane" among term primipara may be related to an associated higher incidence of breech presentation in this group.

3) Among the mature group there was 2 hours reduction in the total lengths of labor compared with the control group. This reduction was noted mainly in the 1st stage.

4) 300% of the total group began spontaneous labor within 48 hours of rupture of membranes.

5) There was no difference between "Spontaneous premature rupture of membrane" and control group with reference to the method of delivery.

6) Majority of perinatal death in "Spontaneous premature rupture of membrane" occured among the premature cases.

7) No effect of prophylactic antibiotics therapy was noted.

8) The routin method of management of "Spontaneous premature cupture of membrane" patients as practiced in Severance Hospital, is briefly summerized.
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