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6세이하 아동의 굴절이상

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 Refractive errors in the children under 6 year old 
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예전에는 6세이하 아동의 굴절이상이나 사시에 관하여 큰 관심이 없거나 안과의 검사를 기피하려는 경향이 많았으나 최근에는 여러가지 계몽에 의하여 이에 관한 일반인의 관심이 높아짐과 동시에 경제적으로도 여유가 생김에 따라 아동들의 굴절이상이나 사시에 관

심이 많아졌으며 따라서 이러한 아동들을 검사하여 본 결과 의외로 시력장애가 많다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 특히 6세 정도에서 시력은 발달이 완성되는 시기임으로 그 이전에 가급적이면 초기에 굴절이상을 발견하여 교정하여 줌으로서 약시를 예방할 수 있는 경우가 많다. 현재까지 우리나라 학동의 굴절이상에 관하여는 많은 조사보고가 있으나 6세이하 아동의 굴절이상에 관하여는 이렇다 할 보고가 없다. 본 연구는 이러한 점을 유의하여 1977년 1월부터 1981년 6월까지 연세대하교 의과대학 부속 세브란스병원 안과에서 진찰을 받은 6세이하 굴절이상 아동(사시포함) 314명(621안)을 대상으로 모양근 이완제를 점안후 검영법에 의한 타각적 굴절검사를 원칙으로 하였으며 그 결과에 따라 굴절이상의 종류, 성별빈도, 좌우안별 빈도, 연령과의 관계를 관찰 검토하여 다음과 같은 성적을 얻었다.

1. 7세이하 굴절이상 아동 314명(621안)중 원시성안의 341안(54.9%)로 근시성안 222안(35.7%)보다 많았으며 잡성난시가 58안(9.4%) 이었다.

원시성안(341안)중 원시 180안(52.8%), 단성원시성난시 30안(8.8%), 복성원시성난시 131안(38.4%)이며 근시성안(272안)중 근시 61안(27.5%), 단성근시성난시 58안(26.1%), 복성근시성난시 103안(46.4%) 이었다.

2. 굴절이상안의 남녀별 비율을 보면 성별에 따른 유의한 차이는 없다.

3. 좌우안별 빈도도 유의한 차이는 없다.

4. 근시성굴절이상과 원시성굴절이상을 각각 연령별로 보면 근시성굴절이상안은 3세부터 시작하여 대체로 연령이 많아짐에 따라 증가하고 원시성굴절이상안은 연령이 많아짐에 따라 감소되었다.

5. 가장 많은 굴절이상의 도수는 +3.00 D이하의 원시성굴절이상안 276안(44.4%) 이고 다음은 -3.00 D이하의 근시성굴절이상안으로 189안(30.4%) 이었다.

Refractive errors in the children under 6 year old

Choong KiL Choi

Department of Medical Science The Graduate School Yonsei University

(Directed by Professor Ouk Choi, M.D.)

In normal eyes, vision develops until 6 years of age. Amblyopia may be developed

unless the eye either with refractive errors or strabismus is not managed properly

until age 6.

It is very important for the children under 6 year vision test should be done as

early as possible and refractive errors should be corrected if necessary.

There is little report on the refractive errors of children under 6 year of aged

while many studies have been done on the refractive state of school children.

Cycloplegic refraction was performed on the 621 eyes with poor vision January

1977 through June 1981.

The results were as follows.

1. The hyperopic was 341 eyes (54.9%) whereas the myopic 222 eyes (35.7%) .

The mixed astigmatism was 58 eyes (9.4%).

Among the hyperopic eyes, 180 eyes (52.8%) were hyperopia, 30 eyes (8.8%) simple

hyperopic astigmatism and 131 eyes (38.4%) compound hyperopic astigmatism. Among

the myopic eyes, 61 eyes (27.5%) were myopia, 58 eyes (26.1%) simple myopic

astigmatism and 103 eyes (46.4%) compound myopic astigmatism.

2. There was no sexual predilection.

3. In the frequence of refractive errors, there was no significant discrepancy

between right and left eye.

4. The older the age, the more myopic was but the less the hyperopic.

5. 276 eyes (44.4%) were hyperopic of less than +3.00 D and 189 eyes (30.4%)

myopic of less than -3.00 D.


In normal eyes, vision develops until 6 years of age. Amblyopia may be developed unless the eye either with refractive errors or strabismus is not managed properly until age 6.

It is very important for the children under 6 year vision test should be done as early as possible and refractive errors should be corrected if necessary.

There is little report on the refractive errors of children under 6 year of aged while many studies have been done on the refractive state of school children.

Cycloplegic refraction was performed on the 621 eyes with poor vision January 1977 through June 1981.

The results were as follows.

1. The hyperopic was 341 eyes (54.9%) whereas the myopic 222 eyes (35.7%) .

The mixed astigmatism was 58 eyes (9.4%).

Among the hyperopic eyes, 180 eyes (52.8%) were hyperopia, 30 eyes (8.8%) simple hyperopic astigmatism and 131 eyes (38.4%) compound hyperopic astigmatism. Among the myopic eyes, 61 eyes (27.5%) were myopia, 58 eyes (26.1%) simple myopic astigmatism and 103 eyes (46.4%) compound myopic astigmatism.

2. There was no sexual predilection.

3. In the frequence of refractive errors, there was no significant discrepancy between right and left eye.

4. The older the age, the more myopic was but the less the hyperopic.

5. 276 eyes (44.4%) were hyperopic of less than +3.00 D and 189 eyes (30.4%) myopic of less than -3.00 D.
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