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Other Titles
 Teaching of the patient with diabetes mellitus 
Issue Date


This study was designed to identify and find out the scope and content of

clinical teaching of patient with diabetes mellitus by graduate and student nurses.

A questionnaire was constructed and data was obtained from 55 graduate nurses who

work on medical wards at seven general hospitals and 51 senior student nurses of

five schools of nursing in the capital city of Seoul Making a total of 106 nurses.

Summary of the findings indicates that:

1. Sixteen of the 106 nurses(15%) replied that they did not do any clinical

teaching of diabetic patients. The reason most frequently indicated was the

"although they had had lectures on diabetes mellitus, the teaching aspects were not


2. Every respondant used the oral method in teaching the concepts of diabetes


3. Written material was relatively well used in teaching the testing of urine for


4. A large number of nurses (63%) did not teach the patient regarding self

administration of insulin injection. The reason given most frequently (21%) was

"the patient wants to have his insulin given by a general practitioner after his

discharge." Although more demonstration, explanation and practice are required for

the effective teaching of self administration of insulin injection in relation to

the other teaching aspects, the majority of nurses used only the oral method in

teaching the patient self administration of insulin injection.

5. Written material using a diet menu and introducing various food stuffs was

well used in the teaching of diet control.

6. In teaching about complications of diabetes mellitus, more teaching was done

in relation to diabetic coma(84.9%) than in relation to insulin reaction(56.2%).

7. The main things taught regarding personal hygiene were avoidance of over

weight, proper sleep and rest and care of the skin.

8. Concerning the time when clinical teaching was began the most frequent answer

given was "teach when the patient asks" (43.3%).

9. In relation to the order in which clinical teaching was done, teaching of self

administration of insulin injection was done last.

10. In relation to the various aspects of teaching diabetic patients the use of

the oral method was exceedingly high and small number of respondants used written

materials and visual aides which they possessed.
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3. College of Nursing (간호대학) > Dept. of Nursing (간호학과) > 2. Thesis
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